
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, im trying to get Vela back to Arsenal, but he wont join because he dislikes the club? I cant even offer him a contract...Is it impossible to get him then?
Sounds like it I'm afraid. Unless you want to play with the editor or FMRTE
Try using a HoD or DoF to initially begin contract negotiatians then go in and "change contract" and see if he's changed his mind ;=)
Try using a HoD or DoF to initially begin contract negotiatians then go in and "change contract" and see if he's changed his mind ;=)

What does HoD and DoF mean? Im sorry if i really should know, lol.
Most likely Head of Development. Also he snubbed Arsenal IRL too, so I guess the dislike is not fiction.
Guessing HoD should be HoYD? Head of Youth Development.
That's the one.

Sometimes it pays to make use of people at your club as they might have better negotiating skills or other variables that may give you a greater chance to sign the player XD doesn't always work but worked with Draxler when he wouldn't start negotiations with me he began negotiations with my Head of Youth Development and rejected later because of fees/wages/etc. But the important part was that he at least began negotiations. When I tried the second time, instead of waiting for it to be rejected, I went in and offered him $1k more and it'll naturally ask you to "revert back to agreed contract", when you do that, he suddenly wants more... that's when you know you have him :)

I see it as quite realistic either which way you go about it. It's your save, just have fun!
In real life vela hasn't got the beat relationship with the club for selling him on bad terms so SI have added that in to the game. Makes it pretty realistic In my opinion