
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
Real Madrid Offered Me 29 Million for vidic should i sell and by someone younger ? or keep him and risk him getting unhappy?
29M is a very good offer for a defender.

Have a look at David Luiz from Benfica and Fazio :)
im going to try fazio and i had to get a new left bck sold mine for 24 million XD
No..don't ever sell Vidic. He is one of the best defender in the games. trust me. He scores a lots goals for me. And he also have won Top Goal Scorer with my United for 1st season. I have played many defenders but no one can be Top Goal Score likes Vidic.
well being a little off-topic but what skin are u using? looks ace mate... (H)
No..don't ever sell Vidic. He is one of the best defender in the games. trust me. He scores a lots goals for me. And he also have won Top Goal Scorer with my United for 1st season. I have played many defenders but no one can be Top Goal Score likes Vidic.

i wasnt sure so i made to different saves to see how it turns out but so far im doing ok 1st so im sure i should off sold him but i got a other save if it dnt work out