
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
I always buy Enyeama if i'm a low club with a bit of money because he is so good for a cheap player and look at his attributes:

(also look at his PENALTY TAKING!!!!)
Pretty sure everyone knows about him, very well known goalkeeper.

Good back up for the bigger sides, great buy for the smaller clubs/mid-table teams as he's so cheap and only wants a small amount in wages.
Pretty sure everyone knows about him, very well known goalkeeper.

Good back up for the bigger sides, great buy for the smaller clubs/mid-table teams as he's so cheap and only wants a small amount in wages.

yeah i know and his penalty taking is UNBELIEVABLE he takes my penalties for huddersfield
Sign him on most my saves, however, he rejected me at Blackpool :'(
i just wanted to show everyone his penalty taking 'cos i think it is just a tiny bit too good

calm down mvp

---------- Post added at 05:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 AM ----------

there was no need
its alright :)

---------- Post added at 05:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 AM ----------

he scored a penalty for me against blackpool in carling cup second round
gt him on my newcastle save first player i gt scores all the time u dnt even need to worry abt him missin he has a 100% success rate 4 me
gotta snap him up quick though...he joined Real Madrid two weeks into my game so I missed out on him (didn't play a single game for them that season though)
Pretty well known but i'm sure some people on this site have never heard of him so that should help them. Does a pretty good job for most teams as well.
I think he scored IRL in the Champions league recently.
I've got him for my team, but his penalty taking is only 13 ._.