So guys here we go!
I will try to explane how I am using OI to minimise oposition chances and not get FM ed so often 
First this is NOT plug and play instructions and key is to understand how your opponent plays
This is my last home game against 433 Arsenal strong team
We completly denied them to create anything!
To make that happend you need decend team and very solid BPDs!
This is my team and you can see what kind of players you need to make it work
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This is how I setup instructions at the start of the game
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Striker should be always tight marked and showed on weeker foot if he has,if he is slow and have poor dribling then we tackle him hard
Closed down only if he doesnt have high agility and dribling
IF should be Closed down if he cut inside and also showed on the weeker foot if he had!
Lets go to key thing and that is midfeld!
If you can see on image Jorgino is one that is more offensive and that guy must be tight marked always!
You tackle hard only guys who doesnt have high dribling and agility just like Jorginho
Odegard is too aggile and have fantastic dribling skills so we DONT tackle him because he easy can escape from tackle
Regarding wingbacks we just show them on week foot if they have
So in basic against this formation we are trying to close the space for they IF s, and we are tight marking their MC Jorginho in this case who arive late in oponent box offten unmarked!
Its very important to observe the match and react when opposition manager trying to change soemthing and make subbs!
As in this case Arteta made some changes and I reacted to Immidiately
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As you can see now we have Nketiah on right side who have strong right foot so he will not often cut inside, so we stop to press right side player we just show him on weeker foot!
Viera who is fantastic dribbler and very agile player replace Jorginho,so we still tigh mark him but not tackle hard!
Smith Rowe is the same like Martinelli so we can copy and paste again the same instructions
I hope so I was clear what to do against 433 formation
Stay tuned for the next formations and be free to ask any questions I am always happy to help

Bye the way the game against Arsenal finished like this
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