Please tell me the right tactic to use in my Valencia career and if there is anything else I should do apart from installing the tactic, please tell me also.going live on twich!
Please tell me the right tactic to use in my Valencia career and if there is anything else I should do apart from installing the tactic, please tell me also.going live on twich!
Please tell me the right tactic to use in my Valencia career and if there is anything else I should do apart from installing the tactic, please tell me also.
I won the King's Cup and finished the league 3rd.Modern target man tactic valencia 5 matches 5 win!
Are people using target forward or complete forward ??
Cheers man does cf score more then tf matecomplete because is slightly better
Cheers man does cf score more then tf mate
Didnt have time to watch lately, how seson 2 finished??going live in 5 min
Didnt have time to watch lately, how seson 2 finished??