Way to get players without blowing all your kitty

Oct 6, 2009
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I start with Liverpool and they only have 2 million to spend, so after selling Dossena, Voronin, Lucas, Kuyt, I ended up with about 20 mill to spend. I ended up signing Jovetic Neymar, Richard Pasu, Annan , Ruben Jenssen, Jose Angel, Feghouli Paulo Henrique. The way to do this is to offer about 500 thousands intially and what ever the accept over 48months, you may pay a bit more but over 4 years you will hardley notice it. Hope this helps.
you will notice it if you play the game for a long time
Trust me.... you will notice it after a while.....
your future transfer budgets will be significantly reduced
Yeah i know hat your sayin but this depends on if you win the league or a couple of cups during the four years, and the prices will be covered by the initial transfer budget.
such a bad idea, if you take this game seriously then there is no point.
I tried this once and all that happens is that you will not get hardly any transfer budget and also that your club will keep losing alot of money every month. I say don't buy the players unless you dont have the money, or even try to reduce the fee by adding in a portion of next transfer fee clause.
Trust me mate I did this with Man Utd and it messed up the game, your transfer budget for the next transfer windows ends up being practically nothing. And if you don't win everything you will get sacked because the expectations are much higher. It works for one transfer window and then you have close to no money for many transfer windows to come until the money is payed off. So to be honest its a bit pointless.
The only time this would ever be a good idea is if you didnt plan on adding to your squad for a few seasons which is unlikely to happen, It would be a better idea to use the 20 million to add to your squad and know exactly where you stand next season in terms of funds.You would'nt get as many players but when your playing as Liverpool do you really need to add that many players in the first season in order to compete for the title?

You spend a small initial fee and then X over 48 months, Saying the price is covered by the initial tranfers fees, This is ment to be a thread for not blowing all your kitty when even doing it your way you still blow all your transfer kitty only not just for the one season but also give your next tranfers kitty's a massive hit for the next 48 month.

Unless you really know what you can cover and what you cant its too risky to sign alot of players this way, Anyone who doesnt know what they can and cant afford they could end up in administration unless they sell on key players which defeats the whole purpose of signing players.
Does the old trick from 09 work, where you offer 40million after 50 games and sell them before then and not have to pay anything?
great idea for buying expensive defenders. give them a reasonable amount and then do minimum goals in additional fees and then make the rest up in that
It's a good technique but I only use it for the 1st season and then maybe in the 4th season when it's paid off otherwise you're screwed.
[FONT=&quot]Personally, i don't see the problem doing this, but i always buy youngsters, and i generally buy everyone i need in the first season, so future transfer budgets don't matter too much. in my second season with Celtic, and i've done a few "over 48 months" and i only got about 500k less to spend. [/FONT]