We're in FM! :O :D

May 1, 2009
Reaction score
Accidently clicked onto the credits/community page and look what I found........... :)

Sorry about the picture quality and sorry if everyone already knows, I was just fascinated to be part of something that is part of FM lol :P
I think we've been on since Championship Manager 4, maybe even earlier.
i noticed that in the first few days i always check for good sites for tactics and stuff, thats how i found this site, pretty cool though
'We' were also in the CM magazine from a few years ago

and me, personally am in CM4 credits
Gregor was a scout for Alloa, it's also believed he was responsible for To Madeira.
Accidently clicked onto the credits/community page and look what I found........... :)

Sorry about the picture quality and sorry if everyone already knows, I was just fascinated to be part of something that is part of FM lol :P

Yeah like Lee said FM/CM-Base has been on for a while now. I did ask them to change the screen name to 'Websites' instead of 'Community Information' as nobody has a clue what that even means.

'We' were also in the CM magazine from a few years ago

and me, personally am in CM4 credits

I doubt many people on here are old enough to remember CM (under Sports Interactive) let alone the magazine :'(
I doubt many people on here are old enough to remember CM (under Sports Interactive) let alone the magazine :'(

Wish i was one of them.I can remember Football Manager by Kevin Toms for the Spectrum back in the mid 80s :(
I remember back to 00/01 I think. Never got the magazine though :'(
i remember championship manager 4, was my favourite game in my early childhood other than spyro
I have short term memory loss. I cant remember when I was born. Oh yeah. I remember the early championship manager games and I loved playing the Italia version.

Congrats on getting in the credits by the way.