Just got Supreme Ruler Cold War. And good god what a game. Brief rundown for people who haven't heard of this recently released corker:
It's set during the Cold War era, and you start in 1949. You can pick either the USA or USSR in campaign, or can pick from a number of countries in Sandbox mode (such as Andorra, UK, Ireland and try to have an influence on the world). When you start, it's literally just before the start of the Korean War. If you hate micro-management games, don't bother-it's an extremely involving game, and you control nearly everything down to the smallest detail. From Military, technological developments, to taxes and social welfare. You also have a chance to be the first to be successful in the Space Race aswell.
It's a complex game too. You can control military units down to batallion size, deploy them, develop new weaponary, develop and deploy nuclear weapons, influence countries into your sphere allignment (basically manipulate them to being your allies), trade, use diplomacy...basically the whole nine yards. But it does take a while so you need the upmost patience. As I discovered, nuking the Warsaw Pact asap was a disastrous idea-basically got pwned. As far as I know, it's a very open ended game, and think it takes you to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Thankfully, you can handover duties to your advisors, and can adjust all difficulty levels before you start, and most importantly to me, adjust volatility levels as far as none, so you won't expect surprise attacks from enemy quarters.
If you like historical/reality/strategy/micromanagement games that give you the power to do whatever you want, to whoever you want, definately worth a try. 8/10 from me. Can get it on Steam now for £22.45 (10% discount), and I think there's going to be editor tools released soon to create your own custom scenarios/mods.