What Makes a Player World Class ???

Capt Gunner

May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Does anyone know what makes a player obtain a word class description. Two of my regens got that description after careful tutoring but one of them lost it. I wanted to know if this description is based on stats or performances. Would love to know
Probably PA. Did he lose it to become average young player or something like that or he just grew and wasn't good enough?
The one who lost his WC status had trained bad for a month and never got it back. The other guy who is still WC also lost his WC description when he was injured for four months but after a few games back he was world class again. In bothe cases they lost some CA.
In both cases I ask, are the staff good enough? A very good physio can get a player back to action in almost half the time, and bad coaches will never get your players to a good potential
In both cases I ask, are the staff good enough? A very good physio can get a player back to action in almost half the time, and bad coaches will never get your players to a good potential

I have top quality backroom staff
It's current ability, and reputation mostly. I got Wanyama in FM13 PA of like 160 to be a household name, world star, whatever, after I won CL, EPL and he performed at a 7.6 for like three seasons in a row.
Reputation is the main factor as far as I know. CA helps build a players global reputation but the player needs to impress on the Continental + World stage.