whats going on with fm-base??

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Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
I have just managed to get on this site for the first time in 2 days. Has the site been down, are they having technical problems i am posting this now but i dont know if i will be able to view again for a day or two depending on what is actually going on. Is anyone having the same problem?? there is nothing wrong with my internet cause i have been surfing all other sites without a problem it just seems to be this one. I hope it is not going down cause i love this site and i have missed it the past couple of days.:S
same i aint been able to get on here 4 atleast 2days, i was thinkin 2 maself i hope it nt jst me but all the othr sites where workin
same i aint been able to get on here 4 atleast 2days, i was thinkin 2 maself i hope it nt jst me but all the othr sites where workin
i see you are a rangers fan if you want a new game with them try the tyberload tactics (9.3 versions) absolutely awesome the best tactics i have ever used and you dont need to change them i have only lost 1 game in 2 seasons and won the champions league in my second season although i have had a chinese business man called wu zen take over and pump a lot of money into the club but i believe these tactics would work almost as well with an average rangers team http://www.fm-base.co.uk/forum/f59/tylerbode-tactic-amazing-results-t13524.html check them out you wont be disapointed i think they are the closest thing to a super tactic i have seen.:$:$:$
lol i put rangers in the epl so eh ive improved ma team alot, but thnx anyway i will take a look of it
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