Whats your favourate chant from your team

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Aye its brillant stand, Celtic is a ***** hole one of there stands have view from behind a pillar.
Correct! the away end! haha
luckily we were just to the side of the *******! haha
don't understand your mascot though- he took some stick off us :D
Broxy Bear. Genius of a Mascot. Its a girl think shes 14 or something.
But wheres the relevance?! lol
oh really?! jeez, do i feel guilty now?! haha
Any one my local team Derry City play
Barcelona real Madrid
who the f*** are ya tryin' to kid
Derry City are the greates football team

Again Derry

Dont go out tonight
unless your redand white
i sense the brandywell (stadium) arising
We all love the city!!!

We all live in the randy Brandywell
the randy Brandywell

great atmosphere for a 8-11 thousnad capacity
Ok too many people are getting offended by certain posts,which was always going to happen really.Best solution is to close the thread!
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