When is a donation, not a donation?


Jan 18, 2010
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I'm not trying to anger anybody here, I've kinda fallen in love with this site - great work!! So I thought I would show my appreciation and give a donation.

However, there is a minimum donation of £4!! I thought donations were in spirit of what you can afford - this is more of a premium!!

I complain as I only have like a few quid left in the bank, but I need to use paypal which I don't so....

I noticed that people were "donating" less than £4 but it doesn't allow it any more. So in other words, if we aint going to give a donation of £4 or more, do you not want it? Is there some reason why there is a minimum "donation"

Again sorry if I've rubbed anyone the wrong way, I just find it a little ridiculous that I can't DONATE what I want to.
I only had to pay 2 quid, and I don't really see what your arguement is???
I do want to donate, but because the site has set a minimum amount, I can't donate. So I will wait and donate when I can.

What I want to know is why is there a limit in place - I should be allow to donate what I want not what fm-base want!
I am sure it won't take too long to find £4. If you need anymore information send a Private Message to Sean and I am sure he will answer your enquiry.
To be fair, £4 isn't much.

If you don't want to donate, don't, but the site would appreciate it more if you did. The minimum used to be £2, but what are you gonna get from £2? Everyone who was donating was mostly donating £2-£3, so it was a good idea to up it to get more money for donations. FM-Base to be fair are allowed to put a minimum, it takes a lot to keep the site going so Sean has every right to be honest.
Let me clear up, I'm NOT complaining about the fact that it's four quid, the fact that it's called a donation and clearly isn't a donation, it's an optional fee.... and I agree you do get some good benefits.
Yeah you do get great benefits and £4 really isn't much for them, but by all means, if you can't afford it at the moment then don't worry about it mate.
it's actually a lot of benefits. If you wanted to download all of the SlinkySideways logos, you can download all of them really quickly. However, if you are a normal member, you have to wait 180 seconds before a new pack is avaliable to download
MAX, if 1000 people donated £1 - then you'd have a grand. Putting it up, I feel would put more people off, so you get say 100 people donating £4, that's only £400.

But hey I don't really know much about behind the scenes...

This isn't an issue as I only wanted to know why there is a limit.. and it's kinda been explained...

I'm not being cheap, I was just a bit surprised to be told what I was donating and I know I don't have too
MAX, if 1000 people donated £1 - then you'd have a grand. Putting it up, I feel would put more people off, so you get say 100 people donating £4, that's only £400.

But hey I don't really know much about behind the scenes...

This isn't an issue as I only wanted to know why there is a limit.. and it's kinda been explained...

I'm not being cheap, I was just a bit surprised to be told what I was donating and I know I don't have too
Well, if you look at the amount of donators on the website, a lot of them have donated £4, or more. Personally I donated £30 after Christmas, and I've seen a lot of people donate £10 recently, so the site is getting a lot of donations the way it is, so not much reason to change, but fair enough if you don't agree with it :)
I noticed the donations, and people are generous!!

TBH, I'd probably donate every month or so, as long as I'm using the site...

I know that the donation will help keep the servers stable/upgrades etc so I would be happy to contribute
Surely it can't take you too long to get 4 quid together, just go down with empty bottles, job done ;)
Your argument doesnt stand up.If you want to donate less than 4 pound you can do so,and it will be appreciated,but becoming a premium member will cost you 4 quid.
No you cant donate less than £4!!

JP Woody - you just hit the nail on the head. Its not a donation but a fee to become a premium member, but its called donation cause you want to encourage the premium members to keep "donating".
I'm going to donate £4 soon to become a premium member anyway.I don't think it's that dear.
No you cant donate less than £4!!
You can still donate £2 though, just send it to Sean :$ But you won't become premium. It's called Premium for a reason, it comes with a price.
No you cant donate less than £4!!

JP Woody - you just hit the nail on the head. Its not a donation but a fee to become a premium member, but its called donation cause you want to encourage the premium members to keep "donating".
OK then its a fee,which Sean will kindly donate to the site, ;)
I'm going to donate soon but i agree with JP Woody
It's like when school's have non-uniform day. Some say you have to pay £1 which gets donated to charity. You pay the fee to the school and they donate to the charity
So you pay £4, money goes to Sean, you become premium member and Sean uses the money to keep the site going