exactly so it is in no way a donation!!!!!
That is fine then. I think we all agree. Most people pay £4 and upwards to have the advantage of becoming a premium member. I doubt many would donate under because you lose money and don't get any advantages. I can see what you are saying though.
It is a Donation because Sean is using the money to help fund this site,if he was using it to pay for his nights out on the town then it would be a fee.If he was only letting people use this site who cough up 4 quid then it wold be a fee,as it is your under no obligation to pay and can still enjoy the site,so as far as im concerned its a donation.When you donate to a cause, of course your going to lose money and you don't get anything in return other than knowing that you helped the cause. You don't receive anything for a donation, so this shouldn't be labelled as one. A premiums second donation would be a donation but the first is a fee!
This is probably going to turn into a shouting match.
Basically, if you want to become a premium member, with extra benefits, you pay a fee of £4.
If you want to donate less than £4 you can but you won't be a premium member. Lots of things in life are like this.
Those are your options. You don't have to donate if you don't want to. Though I reckon £4 is worth it.
Is it monthly that you have to pay four quid?
As I said, I understand where the money goes and why Sean needs help with finances to run such a good site and I did say that I will be donating.
If Sean advertised it as "Become a premium member of our site, for a small fee to help with the running costs" and list all the benefits, then there's no problem.