Where is the edit Training button?


Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Can someone please tell me where the 'edit training' button is so that i can upload tugs training scedule on my game.. sorry if im being stupid! thankyou
Go to your training screen, above the list of schedules theres a drop-down menu box saying 'Schedules', click this, go to manage Schedules, then Import, find tugs on your comp, import it, click ok.
Thankyou very, for some reason it hasnt appeared, it still only say general and goalkeepers, any idea whats happened?
Have you imported the schedules?
Yes, i can see all the scedules, such as 'wingers youth' and 'attack mid youth' but when i click it and press okay it doesnt appear :(
Hmm...are you trying to use the normal schedules for youth players or youth schedules for normal players? Because that is not allowed.
The youth schedules will appear in your youth training section, not in your first team training.
Yes, spot on, once i clicked on the u18's training they were all there, thanks a bunch guys really helped me out.. All the best :)