
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I know I'm a bit off-topic with that subject, but I was curious about something.

Few days ago, there was a thread, who I believe the author was called Will, that existed with what I think was a great principle : compare all the most popular tactics around here with a mid table team to see which tactic would lead to, the most points, the most goal, etc...

However, this thread disapeared since last evening. Does anyone has an explanation, if the thread was moved somewhere else, or something like that ? I personally loved this topic idea, I was following mantorras league as well, and I feel like it would have been great to continue it and do some more testing to determine on the final fm version which tactic bring more stability as well as success.

Thank you for reading, have a good day.
Hi everyone, I know I'm a bit off-topic with that subject, but I was curious about something.

Few days ago, there was a thread, who I believe the author was called Will, that existed with what I think was a great principle : compare all the most popular tactics around here with a mid table team to see which tactic would lead to, the most points, the most goal, etc...

However, this thread disapeared since last evening. Does anyone has an explanation, if the thread was moved somewhere else, or something like that ? I personally loved this topic idea, I was following mantorras league as well, and I feel like it would have been great to continue it and do some more testing to determine on the final fm version which tactic bring more stability as well as success.

Thank you for reading, have a good day.

I believe he had problems when he was re-doing the testing league. Cutting it down to 16 teams or so. So that's why it's missing for now.
I believe he had problems when he was re-doing the testing league. Cutting it down to 16 teams or so. So that's why it's missing for now.

Thanks for the quick answer, hope to see his thread back soon.
It was a good thread.... told you that there was not a lot of difference between very good tactics ( top 5 or something like ) and that even the best plug and play tactics still require managing and building a team :)
As far as testing it in a 'scientific' way it will be very tough to make everybody happy with the original set up
There was also a few whiners complaining his method of testing wasn't valid, which probably put him off aswell. People just don't appreciate the effort
There was also a few whiners complaining his method of testing wasn't valid, which probably put him off aswell. People just don't appreciate the effort
yes I deleted the thread.
It's a shame mate, you put alot of time into it.
still got the results for myself though and may do the odd test for myself but doubt I will bother sharing them on the forum anymore.
Never heard of that Locksmith tactic. Does anyone have a link to it?
Real shame that you deleted the legends league thread. I found it very enjoyable.
Can you share any information why the thread was closed ? It was extremly informative, interesting and well executed, what could have bother people ? Don't really get it.
Can you share any information why the thread was closed ? It was extremly informative, interesting and well executed, what could have bother people ? Don't really get it.
I deleted it because it took me alot of time and effort to create and do the testing only to have one of the regulars on here belittle my work despite the fact that I had previously helped him many times with his tactics including creating a database for his own use.
If you cant take it criticism, dont bother with own threads...simple as that. If is conctructive off course.

It was interesting read tho.
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I deleted it because it took me alot of time and effort to create and do the testing only to have one of the regulars on here belittle my work despite the fact that I had previously helped him many times with his tactics including creating a database for his own use.
I think you should name and shame that guy. Because I really enjoyed the thread.
I deleted it because it took me alot of time and effort to create and do the testing only to have one of the regulars on here belittle my work despite the fact that I had previously helped him many times with his tactics including creating a database for his own use.

A lot of more people liked your thread and were looking forward to more posts from you.....One person's opinion is just that, their opinion
A lot of more people liked your thread and were looking forward to more posts from you.....One person's opinion is just that, their opinion
yes but because that person is respected on here alot of other people jump on the bandwagon and pick fault with it too.