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Ocho Cinco99

Feb 23, 2012
Reaction score
Why do people find the need to cheat? Just let the game run, if you lost then you lost. Don't turn it off and start again! I did this before and got no excitement out of it, now I know not to, the game is a lot more enjoyable. I'm currently at Chelsea and was fortunate not to get sacked when I had a bad spell, yet I ended up winning the Europa league. I found winning this a good achievement considering I had such a dreadful year. Two years before that I went undefeated, although mostly drawing the games and that had put a massive smile on my face as I know I had not cheated. Please don't do it
Why care? It's their game, they can play it how they want.
But I don't see how you can get any enjoyment out of it? I was just saying that from past experiences, I found that not cheating was more enjoyable
I dont cheat like you say by saving and quitting and replaying. Its just way easier when alll your players attributes are edited to 20 each ;)

Like ajt said, why does it bother you how sombody else plays their game lol. Unless your cheating in a Network game which would b a fair point.
each to their own :) no point in preaching here pal! you buy the game, you can play it how you want to :)
To be honest, I have recently joined the forum and I wanted to post a thread as quick as possible and that was the first thing that came into my mind
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