Why do people complain about FMRTE/GenieScout and not tactics?

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Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
I was just wondering, why do people argue that using FMRTE / Genie Scout is cheating etc then download and use tactics made by others?

imo it's the same thing. Creating a winning tactic is the main part of being a manager, if you simply use someone else's what's the point in playing? Surely the game would then only revolve around transfers which, in my opinion, is far from the best aspect of the game.

I have a response.

Why does anyone give a **** if someone uses FMRTE/Genie Scout or someone else's tactic, people who get worked up over such things need to find better things to do. At the end of the day, these people have bought the game and as such deserve to enjoy and play it however they wish.
I agree, everyone to their own. I just don't understand how a person saying using FMRTE is cheating then downloads a tactic and uses it.
People, it's a game!!!

Let others enjoy as they want. If you dont want to use it, dont, or there's a gun pointed at you to use FMRTE, Genie, tatics, etc.? Why do you bother that others use it? Ego? Look at your own backyard!
The only time i've seen people on fm-base get ****** at the use of FMTRE or any other editor is when people post something e.g. a SS of a regen with decent stats thats got a contract ending in 2060 claiming it's legit
I have a response.

Why does anyone give a **** if someone uses FMRTE/Genie Scout or someone else's tactic, people who get worked up over such things need to find better things to do. At the end of the day, these people have bought the game and as such deserve to enjoy and play it however they wish.

I agree, but people who do cheat shouldn't brag about it by posting threads with their teams in etc...
The only time i've seen people on fm-base get ****** at the use of FMTRE or any other editor is when people post something e.g. a SS of a regen with decent stats thats got a contract ending in 2060 claiming it's legit

This !! And when people promote their tactic when their results are those Of those cheating tools rather than the tactic.

Apart from this, I rarely see any complaints so I am slightly confused here.??
To be honest,a great tactic may or may not work for you.
But using the tools,you get exact things done I am guessing which will result in what you want.
Never used the FMRTE,so I might be mistaken with the above line,but yea I did use the genie scout when I used to have a pc and using it meant that you knew exactly what to expect out of a player,ruined the fun of guessing how good he could be and you know how signings may or may not work out--as in whether they will actually be good or not--ruined that fun.

But when you are using a tactic,you can use it as a starting block and then edit instructions to suit your team,slowly building your way to your own tactic from that while playing with the tactic.
What I am effectively saying is,one can use the good tactic as a template.

My intention was just to show how using tactics is not always cheating as it does not guarantee it will work for your team but the softwares as far as I know are guaranteed.
What does it matter anyway, making succesful tactic is a lot easier then accidently making unsuccesful one, lol. With the new tactical screen you can just set generic 442, pick reasonable philosophy and strategy and it will sort of work.
Well it is a game so play it as you see fit.

I agree to some using other people tactics can seem like a cheat but personally I like to see how others play the game.

I've used FMRTE on FM08 but that was only to add 'preferred moves' as it wasnt a feature back then. I also would use Genie Scout from time to time but only to see the 'selling value' of a player I've already identified. I couldnt be arsed submitting several bids for a players only to realise the selling club wont sell for less than £167m etc.
It's a game and you play the way you want, if you want to cheat it's your problem, but you cannot compare using other people's tactics and changing the original values of a game to suit your team as both cheating. If using someone's tactic, you still have to work out your best XI, do they fit the tactic or not?, and the final score is continuously dependent of random values and factors within the game, while the game is still playing on. Now, let's face it, changing your team finances to billions while previously you were skint as Greece, and/or boosting all your players stats to 20, for sure is not the same as using a downloaded tactic.
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Its a game. people play it how they want..

On a side note ive just made my self a double decker Sandwich, with Cheese and Walkers salt and vinger crisps.

It was awsome.
You pay for the game, do what you want. If you enjoy making your team the best in the world by cheating, and healing injured players etc. So be it. Doesn't hard anyone, does it?
I like making tactics for other people to play with, so I'm glad people do use other peoples tactics.
Its a game. people play it how they want..

On a side note ive just made my self a double decker Sandwich, with Cheese and Walkers salt and vinger crisps.

It was awsome.

Did you make it with somebody elses tactic or with FMRTE ? :P
I won't brand you cheater for using outside help but I also won't be very impressed seeing your "I'm Luton and won the Champ' League" post when I discover you did so with a tactic and FMRTE.

All in all though, I don't really care if people use tactics, FMRTE, ect. I bought the game to play it, not needless discuss how I want other people to play it.
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