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Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
I find it strange that people edit their game.Why should you take the trill out of the game.Giving a team like leeds 50 million is totally wrong or a player like chartlon cole pace of 20..All your doing is making the game easy and it has to stop....Am I the only one that thinks this is making fM less competitive...Am sure they created FMRTE for a better reason not to cheat...u guys should really stop this
I edit the game to correct mistakes I feel are wrong.

I think you're referring to changing stuff to ridiculous levels, though, and to that I say mind your own ******* business. They paid for the game, let them play it how they want. If people want to make the game easy, let them. Since when is FM competitive? You don't play it against humans unless you're playing online, and few do. They created FMRTE to do anything you want with-

You know what, I'm calling troll now. **** it.
There's usually stuff you need to manually fix, especially before first few patches come out. Otherwise, why do you care.
I find it strange that people edit their game.Why should you take the trill out of the game.Giving a team like leeds 50 million is totally wrong or a player like chartlon cole pace of 20..All your doing is making the game easy and it has to stop....Am I the only one that thinks this is making fM less competitive...Am sure they created FMRTE for a better reason not to cheat...u guys should really stop this

also I like to add myself into the game. -10 PA of course, gotta be realistic. though I'm struggling to get FMRTE to work so I'm stuck with the good ol' fashioned Editor
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I find it strange that people edit their game.Why should you take the trill out of the game.Giving a team like leeds 50 million is totally wrong or a player like chartlon cole pace of 20..All your doing is making the game easy and it has to stop....Am I the only one that thinks this is making fM less competitive...Am sure they created FMRTE for a better reason not to cheat...u guys should really stop this

I agree , its pathetic
Haven't used it in '12 yet, but I used to use it to alter nationalities.

Especially after FIFA changed their rules about changing National Teams after 21yrs.

eg - I've noticed in '12 that Steven Caulker has no Scottish 2nd Nationality, even though IRL he's come out and said he's considering switching... I'll need to use FMRTE to add this in.

Others have 'Declared for Nation' in the game, but have since decided to change.

If anything, I'm making my FM experience more realistic and making some National teams MORE competitive (esp the African ones benefitting from the many French / Belgian players that have decided to represent them instead)

I also like to keep up to date with the EU member nations - if I'm in 2020, then Croatia, Serbia etc will more than likely be members and I shouldnt need to worry about Work Permits.

Each to their own.
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Why do you care about people editing their game? It's their game, not yours, if you don't want to edit your game, don't. If they do then it's their choice, people have paid for the gam and have a right to play the way they want to. I don't edit it myself but i understand people who do and i don't judge because if they enjoy it more then there's no reason why they shouldn't do it if they're just in a game on their own.
To be honest, I am pretty sure Carlton Cole deserves 20 pace and 20 Acceleration.

This one time, I changed everyone's name in the game to 'Bruce'. Makes the game much more fun. You should try it. It means, when you are playing, you can yell at your players 'PASS TO ******* BRUCE!!', and they do what you say! It's just like being a real manager.

Good times.
i know i shouldnt care about other people games but i just feel like when we come here and talk about our achievements or tactics used or anything related to the game it wont make sense because theirs has been crazyly alternated and i cant be sure if their achievements or tactics were true or even guys dont know how thrilling it is to actually do it
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