why is football manager live so expensive??


Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
and also will there be one for football manager 2010 or is it the same:)
Because that's how the ****** make money.
but on that mygamefile you can get it free to download, thats obviously illegal
Yes, you can get most games illegally. I remember i got Sims 3 like 2 weeks before it was released.
has anyone tried that thing for a free download
We are not allowed to talk about Piracy on this forum... -_-
ok sorry, of course i bought the real game when it was released (6) Was only test running it. :p
For the amount of gameplay hours it gives you it is relatively cheap compared to some games.

There is a 21 day free trial still available to give it a go.

The FM Live Client is free to download. But you need an account to actually do anything on it.
yep I use to play on keano realm. Price aint that bad, I know if u buy the game u get 3 months free. But the game itself is free to download u only need an active account to login. Great game but it gets abit boring after 3months of logging in at midnight to check for good regens. Then u get stupid 10 year olds paying 50grand a week to a 16 year old and never play him.

I would recommend that u play it though, £15 for 3months play aint bad if u get ur moneys worth
Yeah when you consider the time spent playing it's cheaper than most things. If you spend £1 for each hour you play it's worth it.