Why is my board not happy? I met the expectations

Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Can anyone tell me why my board is not happy with my league performances? I met the expectations and qualified for the EURO Cup.


Can anyone tell me why my board is not happy with my league performances? I met the expectations and qualified for the EURO Cup.



Were you in a better position for a while beforehand and then had a poor finish to the season??
I know ive had same problem. one minute board are very happy with me,

keep my good run going next minute ther dissapointed. this is definately a bug that needs sorting

havint downloaded 9.3 yet tho. so hope its fixed the bug.
Were you in a better position for a while beforehand and then had a poor finish to the season??

No not really... I started the season very poorly while my players where getting some respect for me. Then I got a string of amazing results that jumped me up to the 6th. I was competing with newcastle for some time and had a 10pt lead on the team in 7th and then I ended the season poorly (consecutive games against manu, chelsea and liverpool ruined the morale and my form. But the board have felt like this for the hole season.

And yes Im on patch 9.3
At the start did u defiantely put ur expectations to qualify for europe... u sure u didnt put win the league?
ive had this problem on the 1st patch maybe they want you to play in the world club championship maybe
i experienced the same problem with portsmouth but not to worry, as they will still offer you a new contract.