Why is the DS awesome and the Wii Lame ?

i only like the wii for mario kart and tiger woods golf, its pretty sucky for everything else, and **** unless you are playing multiplayer.

never palyed the ds, always been a PSP man
Probably because the Wii has graphics on par with the DS and games on par with the Nokia N-Gage.
i only like the wii for mario kart and tiger woods golf

Mario Kart is possibly the best game on the Wii. I like you Jake, I like you.

never palyed the ds, always been a PSP man

Nah don't like you anymore.
I think its to do with the gimmicks, they both have gimmicks that dont really improve gameplay, the wii has the Wii Remote, and the DS has touch screen.
However there are plenty of games on the DS were you do not need Touch Screen to play eg CastleVania, Super Mario Brothers, Contra 4, etc.
However on the WII majortiy of the games will only work with the Wii Remote, with only a few exceptions that either let you use the gamecube controller.
The Wii is poor. The image it has is too much of a **** console for everyone, so regular gamers just don't want to play proper games on it and that's why it's just full of lame 'wow you can move your arm and it does something' sort of games.

The DS is the same with it's stupid stylus gimmick. The only reason I have a DS is because of the cost. I think it would have been a thousand times better if it didn't have the lame touchscreens though.
****,Nintendo don't care about if it's **** or not, they sell loadss more because it's aimed at families.Tbh, both don't have great graphics or animations.
The Wii is poor. The image it has is too much of a **** console for everyone, so regular gamers just don't want to play proper games on it and that's why it's just full of lame 'wow you can move your arm and it does something' sort of games.

The DS is the same with it's stupid stylus gimmick. The only reason I have a DS is because of the cost. I think it would have been a thousand times better if it didn't have the lame touchscreens though.

agree 100%, both DS and Wii would be better consoles without Controller gimmicks, its a shame because of these gimmicks they have outsold everything because they have attracted a new market of old people and more casual gamers.
I see the console war this gen as MS V Sony, Nintendo are not involved as they are targeting a different market, with a different product.
The Wii is poor. The image it has is too much of a **** console for everyone, so regular gamers just don't want to play proper games on it and that's why it's just full of lame 'wow you can move your arm and it does something' sort of games.

The DS is the same with it's stupid stylus gimmick. The only reason I have a DS is because of the cost. I think it would have been a thousand times better if it didn't have the lame touchscreens though.

At least the DS doesn't NEED the touchscreen though, it's a perfectly good console without it, with a great library of games. On the other hand, the Wii has 1 or 2 good games and 20, 30 million **** ones, all of which rely entirely on its motion sensor thing. The only good games are both able to be used with the motion sensors: Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart, and Mario.
Adding to that, Nintendo just seem better at making games for handhelds. Pokemon and the sidescrolling Mario games are the two best things in Ninetendo's library, and both work much, much better for handhelds than a home console.
Nintendo made Great consoles in the past, the NES, SNES were groundbreaking, and are still awesome to this day, but I think it all went downhill from the 64
However there are plenty of games on the DS were you do not need Touch Screen to play eg CastleVania, Super Mario Brothers, Contra 4, etc.QUOTE]

You do need the touch screen for Super Mario Bros though to change world and drop your power ups, or is there another way of doing it?
These consoles are more aimed at family's and younger generation gamers like 6+ just look at some of the games , Hannah Montana being the only game thats fun (H)
Why is the Wii awesome and the DS lame
However there are plenty of games on the DS were you do not need Touch Screen to play eg CastleVania, Super Mario Brothers, Contra 4, etc.QUOTE]

You do need the touch screen for Super Mario Bros though to change world and drop your power ups, or is there another way of doing it?

well what I ment was with mario its not a primary gaming function, the way a gimmick should be.

Why is the Wii awesome and the DS lame

WOW, you can re-type the title of thread, impressive stuff
The DS is ok, Not enough games for people older than 12 and under 50 though. Pokemon,Super Mario and Hotel Dusk are the only games i own.

Sean summed the Wii up perfectly, Not bad for social events when you want a laugh though.
Wii - Awesome
DS - Lame (PSP Better)