Why is the DS awesome and the Wii Lame ?

Wii - Awesome
DS - Lame (PSP Better)

Why ? what I mean is why is the Wii awesome, just interested to hear a reason of why one could consider it a good console
The Wii is not something you can really play by yourself, it is designed for multiplayer and very little else. The DS is just poor all round for me, I don't have any motivation to play any of the games and the touch screen is quite pointless.

So, I don't like either console, I never thought I would say this but Nintendo has seen better days. And I used to be a Nintendo fanboy :S
How can people like the PSP? XD

DS > PSP - I'm guessing most of the PSP bumboys haven't actually played any DS games. The PSP tries too hard, and the games are just terrible copies of console games.. Whereas on DS you get Scribblenaughts, epic game. There are so many DS games that just show it has an extra dimension from a boring PSP which hasn't changed in the last billion models they've bought out. Also DS has Pokemon & so many other great franchises. Oh and the PSP has the two worst MGS games ever! :'( For it's price and considering how cheap the games are the DS is good.

Wii = Decent - It's okay for family stuff, it's not something I could play on my own.. I don't think Nintendo designed it for people who consider themselves to be hardcore gamers and it's pretty cheap as well. The only problem is it's failed to bring in HD and is going to get a major *** pwning from Project Natal at Christmas. Although I'd rather just still to Rockband on my Xbox thanks.

Also if the Wii was such a failed idea, would Xbox have even invested in Project Natal? No, they saw the money Nintendo were raking in and wanted in. I don't think we'll be seeing a Wii-2
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The Wii knackers me out too much. Remember playing Mario Olympics on it and felt shattered afterwards. Also the boxing demo they had on it I could not move and that was after one round. I prefer sitting down with a controller in hand and relaxing with a beer and cigarette.
Why ? what I mean is why is the Wii awesome, just interested to hear a reason of why one could consider it a good console

why not? its my opinion and everyones aloud one. i enjoy playing formula 1 and all the sports games on there. . and good for family nights
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Because you can get away with DS graphics on a Handheld, but can't get away with the Wii's graphics on a console?
Personally, the Wii is more family orientated and the DS is more car/train trips

They both serve their purposes well

PS3 > PSP > Wii > DS > Xbox
If you think the DS is awesome, grow up and buy a PSP , seriously ...
If they could just improve the graphics on the Wii and make something like a Wii 3D (just off the top of my head) then it could be better.
why not? its my opinion and everyones aloud one. i enjoy playing formula 1 and all the sports games on there. . and good for family nights

Fair enough its your opinion, just want to know what you like about it ? Just I cant think of any positives for it that would motivate me to get my Wii out the loft.

Anyone think the Gamecube is better than the Wii ?