Wingback and Fullback

Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hey all,

Just wondering whether a Wingback and Fullback would work in the same formation because I have a quality RWB regen who I want to use but I don't have a LWB and I usually use a flat back four so I was wondering would this work?

Can the regen not play at RB? Normally any wing-back can play fullback too, just not as well...
Just train him as a RB? Doesn't take long if you play him there.
There is a tactic somewhere on this forum called the Nike tactic or something, which uses a much more attacking defender on one side than the other, it might be worth your time checking it out.

Also, you really confused me labelling your left back as your RWB and vice versa :P
Read an article in this months World Soccer about Barcelona v Milan and the tactics Barca employed to beat them in the second leg. I'm trying to work on a similar tactic which is basically a 4-3-3 with the wide right attacker tucking in as a Trequartista and a very attack minded right wing back in the wing back position very similar to Dani Alves running up and down the whole flank, in effect it's a wonky 3-4-3. Very much a work in progress though. But I do play with a more attack minded wing back on the odd occasion to some success.