
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Super 8's World Extreme Edition

A Quick Introduction

Anyone thats played a version of my super 8 will pretty much know how this works, if you dont visit the Download section on FM Base.

So whats different and why Extreme ?

Well to start with theres 64 playable nations, and 1992 teams to choose from. Also the formats slightly changed now instead of teams playing each twice and the leagues splitting teams will now play each other 3 times with 4 going up and 4 down from the lower leagues.

The Champions of their nation will now enter a World Champions League that follows straight on after the national seasons finished, the other 7 teams from the top leagues will enter competitions yet to be finalised, though there wont be a World Cup winners Cup, however the following season there will be continental competitions for the top 3 league winners and nation FA Cup Winners.

And to top it off there will be a World Club Cup, a straight KO competition that runs throughout the year.

Done so Far

Created 64 National League Systems
Set up Basic National rules for league systems and cups
Created and set up Basic rules for -
European Continent Competitions
African Continent Competitions
Asia Continent Competitions
World Champions Cup
World Club Cup
Tested all the above Succesfully

To Do -
Create and set up basic rules for -
South American Continent Competitions
North American Continent Competitions
Oceania Continent Competitions
Other World Competitions
Set Reputations for all Competitions
Set Prize Money and league/cup rules for all competitions
Tweak Dates for Competitions that may clash
Test, Test and Test some more lol

Release Date - TBA

I need a bit of help with Competition Names for the World Club Leagues.

I've decided on 4 Competitions, The champions of the nations go into the World Champions League, the runner ups go into the 2nd comp (my ideas for names for this so far are World Club Championship or World Nearlybeens League), the next two teams go into the 3rd Comp (only name I can come up with is World Alsorans League) and finally the 4th comp will consist of the teams that will be relegated from their Nations top league the next season (ideas none).

So as you can see i need Ideas put forward for last 3 competitions, anyone that comes up with a name will get a beta version of the database to tryout:)
Progress Update -

Create and set up basic rules for -
North American Continent Cups
South American Continent Cups
Oceania Continent Cups
3 world Competitions (yet to be named)

Tweaked League and Competition Dates
Completed 4 Nations, Rules, Prize Money and Competition and Cup Reputations

To Do -

Complete 60 Nations Rules, Prize Money and Competition and Cup Reps
Complete 18 Continental Competitions
Complete 5 World Competitions
Sleep lol

Still after Ideas for World Competition names, really struggling to come up with any apart from the obvious
For second cup.. World almostthere cup lol
I suck in names, i know.. I'm big fan of yours, and if you need help with editing, just send me PM or VM and I'll try to help you ( to repay you for allowing me to post your GB system on another forum :))
1) The So Close but no Cigar Cup
2) The Runners up Cup
3) I am number 2 Cup
4) The Losers Cup
5) The Edge of Glory Cup :)
6) any others you need for other ones?
1) The So Close but no Cigar Cup

2) The Runners up Cup
3) I am number 2 Cup
4) The Losers Cup
5) The Edge of Glory Cup :)
6) any others you need for other ones?

Love N0 5 for the runner up cup, Brill

So Second Cup Likely to be World Edge of Glory League Cup, Short Name Edge of Glory Cup or W.E.G. League Cup
Anyone think of a full name for the abbreviation of S.H.I.T for the 4th world league cup :p
Progress Update -

Done so far -

Create and set up basic rules for -
North American Continent Cups
South American Continent Cups
Oceania Continent Cups
Asia Continent Cups
European Continent Cups
African Continent Cups
3 world Competitions (yet to be named, tho getting there)

Tweaked League and Competition Dates
Completed 13 Nations, Rules, Prize Money and Competition and Cup Reputations

To Do -

Complete 51 Nations Rules, Prize Money and Competition and Cup Reps
Complete 18 Continental Competitions
Complete 5 World Competitions

On the name front for the world competions Im thinking -

1st - World Champions League Cup
2nd - World Edge of Glory League Cup
3rd - ???
4th World Last Chance League Cup

what do you think or do you have a better suggestion, still need a name for the third though was maybe thing World Staying Put League Cup or World Safety Net League cup.

Ran into a potential problem and need thoughts on ways around it. International comps whether its the real (summer)fixtures or my re-build clash with the latter round of the world Competitions now the way I see it I have 3 options open to me which are -

1) Disable Internationals altogether
2) Make tournaments smaller ie only 16 teams in finals
3) Make tournament U23's (some players will still miss World competion finals but not as many important ones)

at the moment Im leaning towards option 3, your thoughts/suggestions please.
The last league or maybe the 3rd - the drop-out league.

and for S.H.I.T I have no idea! lol.
Having internet connection problems at the moment so having lots of problems getting on line and loading game and editor, every time I try to start up game in Offline mode its telling me steam is not available,

A quick update though is I have completed 25 Nations and the World competitions, just hoping I can get the game and editor to run offline so I can crack on even if internet problems continue.

@ Danbeheredroid, Like your suggestion for 4th, could well be the one chosenShift+R improves the quality of this image. :)
Soon to be released, just tweaking the North America International tournaments and then a final holiday test to do, if all goes well should be ready to download within the next 24 hours.

Had to downsize the world Club cup as teams could lose a match and then still be drawn for the next stage, still a good size though and working perfectly, first build was 5096 teams seeded over 27 rounds now its 1672 teams seeded over 18 rounds with the top teams entering at round 7.

So far over testing theres no more than 2 games a week for a team.

Also I've rebuilt the continental International tournaments to aid Club fixtures not being postponed or clashing with international games the only one I have had problems to get to work correctly is the North America tournaments but I've now found a way to fix them hence the final test.