Would you forgive cheating?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marko8
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Well i would get rid mate. Happened me with my ex and forgave her once,caught her red handed 2 months later and dumped her ***. Dont do anything to get even either.

If you totally blank them that hurts more than any revenge. My ex has tried a few times to get me back in the last 3 months but she may as well be talking to the wall and she says it kills her that i wont even speak to her.

In the end its up to how you feel,if you were realy happy give it one more go but if it happens again wipe your hands clean :)
Whats with all these people saying 'don't get revenge', ******* man up and make her feel as bad as you do/did.

Or atleast photoshop her ******** a mouse/kebab/fat person or soming.
Photoshop her ******** Dunc??? that would humiliate her!!!!:P

By the way Dunc,dont take anything i say to heart mate :)
Photoshop her ******** Dunc??? that would humiliate her!!!!:P

By the way Dunc,dont take anything i say to heart mate :)

To be fair, no one would touch her again if you did that, mainly because I would ruin her, and also because I would have given her aids.
To be fair, no one would touch her again if you did that, mainly because I would ruin her, and also because I would have given her aids.

She would definitely have a case of Baggy Vag Syndrome.
haha, Sounds like one of my mates there.

But really its hard for us to say one way or another if she should be forgiven, it all depends if you think she would do it again...
Sometimes its best to just get a fresh start :)
And baggy ****, Mouth and Ear syndrome. ;)

when I say ruin, I mean it baby! :P

You should advertise your services in the local paper, would help pay the bills.
Forgive maybe, firstly I would ask her whether she loves the person she has been with, if yes then I will let her leave without much hassle because I would want her to be happy. If no then I will fight with everything ive got to try and forgive her and move on
In my own personal experience, it's very hard to forgive and forget.
My ex cheated on me a couple of times while she was overseas and I forgave her and took her back.
I could never really forget about it though and slowly fell out of love with her (I actually stopped liking her as a person).

It became a constant battle with myself and I ended up cheating on her 2 or 3 nights a week with another girl.
I eventually dumped the ex and I am still with the same partner in crime (the girl I was cheating with) 10 years later.
We are best friends and trust and love each other deeply.
I've only ever been cheated on once and I forgave her..... or so she thought! I bide my time, waited for a fantastic offer (3some with 2 blondes only to find out later they were nympho's) waited till we all got into the swing of it and phoned her!!! I had my stuff personally delivered to my works by her brother who stated "it's something I'll have to remember if it ever happens to me"

As stated before, revenge really is a dish best served cold. Well, warm and moist in my experience lol
I'd never forgive anyone doing that, and I'd probably do something back.
Chuck the slag to the curb, if she done it once she will do it again nodoubt
I love my girlfriend very very much, but if she had to cheat on me, even kiss a guy, I would have no hassle in kicking her out of my house and back with her parents or wherever she ended up, not two ways about that!

cheating is cheating! guys get sucked into the shame and feeling guilty and sorry for the y chromosome, dont, thats what they want, to get away with it! be stern be angry and kick them out, if they are really into you and really do love you, they will try everyway to get you back and by this you can see if she really means it and really wants it to work....

test her, make her work for it! if you are just dating for like 2 weeks or 2 months etc and she does, cheat on her with 2 chicks, then tell her! see what she says...

One of my pals ended up going out with my ex. Two of my other pals exacted my revenge by having *** with all her friends between them. It was hilarious at parties when they two could go "shagged her... shagged her... shagged her... shagged her..."
I've only ever been cheated on once and I forgave her..... or so she thought! I bide my time, waited for a fantastic offer (3some with 2 blondes only to find out later they were nympho's) waited till we all got into the swing of it and phoned her!!! I had my stuff personally delivered to my works by her brother who stated "it's something I'll have to remember if it ever happens to me"

As stated before, revenge really is a dish best served cold. Well, warm and moist in my experience lol

I would probably forgive her but never speak to her again.

Too much eff' to try and get revenge.