Xbox Live Leaderboard Added To Forums

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Staff member
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
There is now a link to view a leaderboard of all the FM-Base members who have Xbox Live. You can view the leaderboard by clicking Quick Links at the top then choosing Xbox Live.

All you have to do is edit your profile and add your gamertag and you will be shown on the list. Simple. :thup:
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considering i have only played 3 games i pleased with my position lol
I must just be really **** because mine is not showing up, but i only play pro anyways
Jamgla is the only person on the list not to have Pro Evo in their last 5 games. What a n00b ;)
He might as well wait for the next PES anyway, hopefully it's an improvement. I'm the only one with a full 20 rep too, but I bet I'm the only person with 40% avoided you. Some people just can't take a beating on VT3 gracefully.
i mite pick a pre owned copy of it so i can own u all :P
He might as well wait for the next PES anyway, hopefully it's an improvement. I'm the only one with a full 20 rep too, but I bet I'm the only person with 40% avoided you. Some people just can't take a beating on VT3 gracefully.

I have a 25% avoid thing. Only game i've really played online if Pro Evo so i'm guessing it's from that.
cheaper than the pre-owned at Gamestation that is.
how come im not on the leaderboard and iv put my gamertag on my profile :S