Yellow light of death?


I am a biased ****.
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, PS3 has had the Yellow light of death, basically the infamous Red ring of death but on the Playstation. Had it for a while now but got a 360 and haven't though about getting it fixed. But I was wondering what Sony will do about it. I have heard various things from mates. From they will fix it free and give you a free game to it will be about $100. Won't bother if I have to pay loads but if I don't have to pay much I think I will get it fixed. Thanks for any replies :)
is it under warranty ring them up if Ur in luck you wont have e to pay mate
get it fixed the PS3 is much better than the 360 i've got both never play my xbox though
You should get it fixed for £100 mayb even £1000 it's hugely better than xbox!! Lol I'm not sure what do but do you have 60GB because all my friends that have that theirs have broken whislt I have 80GB and I don't know anyone who's 80GB that has broken.
happened a few weeks ago myself mate, would of costed me 80 quid to get fix:S, cause it was 4+years old:( so i just bought a new one slimline 250gb with uncharted 2 and bioshock 2 :D
i sold my ps3 for £110 as the warranty was out could not be arsed to pay 150 for 6 months **** that plus was over heating
Warranty is finished and it is 60GB, yeah, guess I will give Sony a ring tomorrow.
ring them, you may get lucky. if not then search google, lots of video guides on how to solve it.
Warranty is finished and it is 60GB, yeah, guess I will give Sony a ring tomorrow

i had that one you my have to pay mate best of luck on that
Thanks Jake, and everyone else :D
Might just have an effort at repairing it if I have to pay like $100 to get it fixed. There will surely be videos on youtube etc on how to fix it.
Yeah I suppose it doesn't matter if you try fix it yourself because the warrenty is up so it's not going to affect that. Good luck if you do try.
Mine got the YLOD on the day the PS3 Slim came out. Ended up getting the Slim a few days later, then took apart my broken PS3 to get Modern Warfare out. I'd just get it fixed if i was you, that's if the warranty hasn't run out.
get it fixed the PS3 is much better than the 360 i've got both never play my xbox though

just opinion, the xbox and ps3 are near identical, if you have to split hairs then obviously Xbox has the edge due to better exclusive games and xbox live.

I must say sony repair or replace consoles vey fast, I got my replacement ps3 in 24 hours when mine snuffed it,
just opinion, the xbox and ps3 are near identical, if you have to split hairs then obviously Xbox has the edge due to better exclusive games and xbox live.

I must say sony repair or replace consoles vey fast, I got my replacement ps3 in 24 hours when mine snuffed it,

In your opinion you mean?
Phoned Sony yesterday and they said they are sending me a brand new console out with the game which is inside my current (broke) one, CoD WaW. They are taking my broke one, after all they'll probably fix it and sell it. Have to pay £40 but it is worth it to get back on the PS. Best thing about it was they said it would be delivered by this Thursday! Today basically, pretty happy with Sony, warranty had ran out by 4 months :'(
Nice one. Sony are allways pretty good with customer service.
Yeah, I know when my PS3 broke (disc-drive was broke on arrival) it was replaced within the week.