Your Claim to Fame

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Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Have you ever met that famous footballer? Maybe a famous footballer is a member of your family? Let us know :)

Mine would be:
1) my great uncle Les Stubbs played for Chelsea in the 50's when they first won the first division, he also played fot Southend United and Gt Wakering Rovers. He was one of the special guists as the bridge when Chelsea won there first Premier League title.

2) Uncle Alan Stubbs who recently retired. Played for Celtic, Everton, Sunderland

3) not sure where the connection to me is but my Dad's 2nd causin is the presenter Ray Stubbs.
I am Messi and Ronaldo's dad.

Different mothers tho.
I used to live next door to Dado Prso, nice guy, but a weirdo, had a TV in his toilet oO)
And now, live in the same street as Kyle Lafferty, saw his 'Bentley';)
my dads uncle is frank spraggon middelsborough ledgened :)
I was on TV,

Match Academy - Five!

Based on Match Magazine, My manager was John Gregory but I could have had Harry Redknapp.
Steven Gerrard is my cousin's uncle in law and I have played him in pool. We were on the black and I potted the white with it :$
My brother knows Carl Baker who now plays for Coventry.
Oh and I saw young Liverpool prospect Adam Pepper at the races on Friday.
I've met Steven Gerrard. :)

Also I know they are not big names, or big club's but I know Jamie Hopcutt, and Dan Owers both play for York City and are both on FM :)

And there was a old man who lived 2 door's away from me who played for Man Utd about 50-60 years ago.
paul inces mum lives on my road so i see him and his ***** of a wife alot core shes such a ******* she shouts at you if you look at her car lol

my mums cousin is also kieron dyers god mother or something so i get to meet him at parties and stuff
my uncle (alan stubbs) wedding 5 years ago was a bit tasty! a certain young wayne rooney was there along with nigel martyn, david moyles to name a few. i have a pair of nigel martyns gloves as well signed from him :) dont talk to him a lot now though :( him and my old man had a bit of a falling out
Stilian Petrov - Villa Captain is giving my teams trophies out at the end of the season, Ill be sure to get a picture with him :)
I once shagged Wayne Bridges ex-girlfriend.

But on a serious note, my brother Nearly got ran over by Les Ferdinand after a Newcastle training session we went to watch.

and I have met most the Newcastle squad who were there in 1998. ( I think that was the right year)
when rio ferdinand was at west ham acting all flash like he usually does he nearly crashed into my dads car and my dad shouted to him " you stupid flash **** " and ferdinand heard it cause he was in a comvertable i think
My cousin is Airdrie goalie, I have signed gloves from Challenge Cup final!!
my uncle when he was once a young lad played 5 games for qpr dont know what year but ano it was qpr
I am Messi and Ronaldo's dad.

Different mothers tho.

if you produced them two world class footballers then you must be unbelievably good at football so good your not allowed to become a proffesional because it would be unfair on the others :P
My claim to fame is i was Boro Mascot Rory the Lion for a while back in the mid 90s,until i realised i hate ******* kids. Little twats used to boot **** out of me,and i had to stand there and take it. :( On the bright side i got to meet players regularly.
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