
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hey everyone! What's up?? I'm new here, so let me introduce myself: I'm KHenage, from Uruguay. Nice "meeting" all of you.

I post this thread 'cause I wolud like to know how I can set the Match Training for my Youth Team to be permanent. This is, whenever I set the Match Training to, for example, 80%, the game automatically changes it to its minimum.

¿Is there a way to set the Youth's Match Training so that the game cannot change it?

Thank you so much!!
I am having the same problem, have you found a way of fixing it?
Are you in charge of the youth team ?

Also, why would you like them to train less on getting better at their skills and instead focus on preparing for a game against other youthplayers ?
The problem I am having is 'over-worked' players, I move the slider to one click from the left and after continuing a game it resets itself, gets very frustrating as youth players are always on Very Heavy schedules and thus get unhappy