Recent content by burv

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    New laptop

    Hi guys , not that great with specs etc on a laptop/PC but my old laptop got broken and want a new one, obviously to play fm 14 and beyond but just wondering if this is good enough Buy ACER Aspire E1-572G 15.6" Laptop | Free Delivery | Currys Thanks
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    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on personal intructions for these players as both has been woeful as far Thanks
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    Old firm in PL

    Just wondered if it had been done, if so could someone post a link. much appreciated EDIT Has there been a database created with the Old firm in the premier league?
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    Ajax striker banned for biting PSV player

    Between a match of Ajax and PSV. Luis Suarez was caught on cameras for biting PSV midfielder Otman Bakkal on the neck. More info in the link below...,19528,11906_6522151,00.html Thoughts?...
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    Help with my tactic

    I have this tactic that I use and well it has been very successful for me. its a 4231 formation. first season I had it on standard, 2nd season on control now 3rd season on attack, I would hate to change tactics but is there any tweaks I could do to the formation as the ME is countering my...
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    Database search

    I read a thread on this forum in the past that every player was a free transfer or something along those lines, I would like to give it a go and just wondered if anyone could help with a link or direct me to it. Thanks in advance
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    Can you help me please...

    I'm looking to manage other nations that are not in the database, is there anywhere I can add them without having to edit them in. Thanks