Recent content by Gooner_Jay_96

  1. G

    Scroll Bar issue please help

    Basically when i go to the player search window and click into a player and come back out again the list scrolls down a bit and no matter who i click into, it brings me back to this exact same spot. Having to scroll back up to the top is so annoying, any help would be great, cheers.
  2. G

    NEW Arsenal Blog, Please check it out!

    JaysGoonerBlog Gooners if you could please check this blog out and let me know what you think please do! Only started back posting today after giving up VERY early on! Regular posting begins tomorrow so if you could please check out the earlier posts to get a taste of what will be coming up on...
  3. G

    Football manager 2012 video, need suggestions please. everyone at least take a look!

    Thinking about making a tips and tricks sort of video for my youtube, i know its a bit late but i couldnt find another one up there. If anyone has any "tips or tricks" they think i should throw in, feel free to share! All help is greatly appreciated, cheers lads!
  4. G

    Ps3 Ultimate team anybody up for price fixing? ;)

    I have 67k to play with, if youre up for it?
  5. G

    Crash dump help please!

    in 2020 and the game keeps crashing on the 30th June. Not had any problems since the beginning. The game loads until the 30 then this comes up: "A serious error was encountered and the application will close. A file has been generated in C:users/jay/documents/SI/Fooball manager 2012/ crash...
  6. G

    A Right back For Borussia Dortmund First Season?

    Basically need what the title says
  7. G

    Bolton - (CM) 650k Budget.

    Hi, Looking for a centre mid with good attacking attributes. Only starting to get into FM11 now but have had it since christmas, started with Bolton and cant seem to get anyone in. Any help lads? Sound (H)
  8. G

    Anybody Know How To Record PS3 Screen??

    Its in the title, basically if anybody knows any ways, could you please post thanks :) Looking for DECENT quality, nothing S**t lol Thanks |)
  9. G


    Yes, I have decided to jump on this blogging bandwagon aswel :) I just made this for any Arsenal fans who want to read up on opinions, some stats, and some general Arsenal news/views. I only have the one post, which is quite average :S But im always looking to improve and any advice is...
  10. G

    FIFA 11 Servers!!

    I Couldnt Find A Thread Similar to this so i had to post it. almost EVERY online head to head ranked match i play i get disconnected from and it counts as a loss, im playing on ps3 and im wondering if anybody else is having the problem here on the forum. Jay.
  11. G

    You Just Have To See This!

    I'm sorry, But i just had to.. so many memories brought back by just check it out, best kids song ever ! lol YouTube - Sesame Street:'s Song "What I Am"
  12. G

    Unexpected Transfer Budgets.

    I think there has been one or two threads on "unrealistic" transfer budgets, but i think this is a tad bit different (A) Anyways, i started a save with southampton, got something like 5 mill in my first season, proabably less i think, which is great with a league one team. Then the season...
  13. G

    Steam Error Help PLEASE!

    I Turned My Laptop On, And This Shows Up.. "Steam.exe (main Exception): CMultiFieldBlob (pSerialized): Bad Field - extends past end of blob" Now i cant start steam or Football Manager, Please help :'( ---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 PM ----------...
  14. G

    Southampton CB

    I Started a new save as southampton, and have pretty much improved my team everywhere other than the centre of defense with loans and what not. But i really need a new centre half. I have bang on 1 mill to spend, maybe 1.5, and would like suggestions on a centre half :) Thanks in advance :D...
  15. G

    Free Kick Mania.

    Just A Little game i found online, thought it was good enough to be posted on here.:) Basically the idea is to score free kicks, with 3 players who are meant to be roberto carlos, beckham and park more than likely :) Its really addictive, so give it a go and post how you get on :) And if you...