Recent content by pickard77

  1. P

    From one Martin to another - My Aston Villa Story

    Hey peeps! This is my first football manager story so go easy on me :). I have chosen Aston Villa not because there the team I support, I infact support Manchester United, but because they have been in the news recently regarding a new manager. I’ll hopefully be doing daily updates on the clubs...
  2. P

    New Staff aint showing on my Team

    Sorry if a question like this has already been asked but i have created my local team and i have added a few friends as coaches but when i start a game and check to see if they're in the team...there not, and they arent on the database. Please help Regards Pickard77
  3. P

    Adding My Local Team to Tier 10

    Hi I know this sounds really lazy, but I was wondering if someone would be able to do a config file that has my local team starting in tier 10. I've looked at the editor and i have no idea where to start. If someone fancies doing it I will be able to give them all the required...