Recent content by Raul Madrid7

  1. R

    Economic Recession Mod

    Hey all, One of the things that bothers me most in FM is when it's 2018 and you can't recognize the starting lineups for any team anymore. Is there a mod or something (I have zero tech knowledge so don't laugh!) that eliminates transfer budgets or severely reduces them? I'd call this the...
  2. R

    Where are the sexy goals?

    Is it just me or have goals just gotten uglier on this version of FM? it seems like there used to be more screamers, intense pass plays, etc. in the past. Even with big teams, my goals are just pretty much boring and terrible, even though I score lots of them!
  3. R

    Can't win away

    So what do you do when you can't win away games for the life of you? I hate it when my team is a monster at home but then gets rocked away consistently...
  4. R

    It's Time to be Slaughtered, the Eternal Question

    Recently, I posted my frustration at the fact that when promoted from Levante to Valencia, the new players couldn't care less who I was and didn't perform. I am now scared s**tless as I have been moved from Coventry to... Manchester United on a new campaign (don't know what the game was thinking...
  5. R

    My Huge Grievance with FM

    Before I get into what I think is a huge fundamental problem of the game, let me quickly describe how I play it. I enjoy starting unemployed, getting picked up a lower level team, and changing teams as quickly as possible until I get somewhere big. So I generally tend to last 1-2 seasons per...