Recent content by Trav

  1. T

    Access rights?

    I got a new laptop on saturday, installed fm2008, updated the patch and played it. Then when i come back to play it now it says "You do not have sufficient access rights to run the application". Im running vista on this laptop which might be the problem because i never had it with XP, anyone...
  2. T

    Wildlife Webcam

    Not sure if any of you are interested, but i found this webcame link to the wildlife. Enjoy
  3. T


    Have appointed Roy Keane as manager of Sunderland. Sky sports are showing the press conference on monday. Niall Quinn had said that he wanted to bring in a world class manager, Roy hasnt even proven himself to managment yet.
  4. T


    Basically, since i got a new db, one with fc united on it, i havent had any good youngsters with decent potential, this isnt because im using fc united on my game, im with man utd now, adn the max potential i can seem to get is 140. all the other clubs in premiership have better potential, even...
  5. T

    Passed my driving test!!!

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! 6 Minors, but never mind. FIRST TIME! GET IN!! w00t w00t :D :D :D :D :D
  6. T


    Just watched the whole movie its quite good. Some parts of this movie, well most parts of it are very graphic. Fingers getting cut off, achillies tendon being torn open (i think that is what its called) and just generally some sicko stuff, UGH :yuck:. Didnt like those scenes much. Has anyone...
  7. T

    Girlfriend 7.0

    Girlfriend 7.0 Dear Tech Support: Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors...
  8. T

    Robbie fowler rejoins liverpool.....

    "Prodigal son" fowler has rejoined his former club....