Wasted 3 hours trying to get it to work, followed all instructions and looked through countless forum posts to find solutions to the various problems I encountered, only to finally give up when clicking on the replace faces button presented me with a black bar that freezes on "map to". I appreciate the work that must have gone into the project but given the time I have spent can honestly say even if I did get it to work, the end result wouldn't be worth it.
Hey, I'm sure I can help sort it -- did you have the old one and download the new version on top of it? Does the folder Italmed in the folder have a capital M like ItalMed?
From what I've seen of the facepack, it looks very good, but I've had issues getting it working. Specifcally, whenever I'm trying to add the "is newgen search filter" into FM, it will not appear even though I'm in the folder that it should be in. Any idea how I can get that .fmf file to show up?
It looks very good, however, whenever I downloaded it on Windows and tried to launch it, it never opened. I'm not sure if it's an issue on my end, but I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing seems to have worked.
Brilliant i suggest watching the tutuiral for help if needed
I have done all the steps Zealand says to do in the video but when i try the filter to show the newgens none show up it says 0 am i doing something wrong?
Hi Followed all the steps, hit CTRL+A and it selected 2219 regens, saved the file as text loaded the NewGan Manager but only 101 of the 2219 selected have faces. Have a missed something?
Had the black bar as others had and had nothing happen for ages. So I decided to uninstall the try again. It now doesn't open at all any suggestions ? I followed all the steps but just cant get it to work.
As a response to my own question - I made a copy of the FMNEWGANv2-folder and namned it FMNEWGANv2 Staff and now I´ve got players AND staff with "real" faces :)
Everything worked great until i got a new batch of regens so decided to get new faces in. Used the manager but now it says invalid RTF file and 'Parsing RTF'
A word of note for some who - like me - took 6 days of deleting & reinstalling to figure it out: certain 'skins' stop these faces from showing, no matter how many times you reload skin or clear cache. First make sure you switch to the original FM skin - reload, clear cache, etc. and the faces should show if you've done it correctly. Then you can switch back to whatever skin you want.
Great pack, super easy to apply to the game. However, I had one question in regard to how the AI chooses ethnicity for the image chosen. I have this one intake that has an Asian name origin, but was born in Wales, is Welsh and has no connection to any Asian country in his bio, personal details. Which makes the image generated always a Caucasian. I was curious is there a way I can ensure an Asian image is generated for individuals? ie a personal detail or backend edit I can make so the newgan AI generator gives this particular player an Asian ethnic image?
Will be a must-have addon for fm from now on like facepacks and logopacks.
Help, regens with Kosovo as first nationality doesn't get mapped
Great pack overall!. Im having the problem with the program not opening sometimes but see on the comments that you have fixed it so will sort it out when it does it next.
Im currently into 2025 and have taken a job with River Plate in Argentina (the first time I used this pack was now). I have noticed that the skin colour is wrong with a lot of the Argintinian Regens. When I right click on the players name the small original pic that appears has a different skin colour to the one provided by the mod.
It wouldnt replace my faces after an hour, so i redownloaded teh newgan manager installer and now i wont open
Great concept guys, this is tremendous.
A quick question, how does the app assigns race to a player? I've just used the pack to replace my regens for the first time and I noticed while scouting some NT youth teams that a good third of the Argentina/Uruguay/Turkey regens are black. Is it possible that the NewGAN app has a problem with brown skin attribution?
Had no issues beside a few of my players havent been given a player it seems to be only 6 players without faces
Awesome, period.
First of all, I appreciate the hardwork you and the guys in the background put up to make this revolutionary facepack. And I know that you guys just didn't do this pack just in a midnight, but I ran into a problem which neither your vidoes on Youtube or fmbase and reddit users answer. My problem is that, I simply couldn't get the NewGAN-Manager App and I searched and tried to fix it but wasted 3.5 hours. JUST for the NewGAN-Manager App. I would be happy to get an answer or any kind of reply, but until then I have to rate this a SINGLE star, which I don't believe big creators like you guys deserve. And I'm not trying to insult you guys don't get it wrong, but PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE make these pack easier to work and function.
Ich habe ein Problem, bekomme nicht mehr den NewGan geöffnet, ich habe mehrfach alles deinstaliliert und neuinstalliert, aber lässt sich nicht öffnen...komischerweise funktioniert nur der 1.1, aber 1.2 lässt sich nicht öffnen. Wer kann mir helfen?