2004/05 season database

The new update will hopefully be available tomorrow, I only have to edit CA/PA for 4 teams and add managers/assistant managers to La Liga, hopefully done tommorow, all the squads are complete.
Great work mate.. just a small note I found, players like Gareth Bale, Kacaliknic, Jason Steele aren't deleted or added to U19 teams. Their agents offer them to me when I start the game
Spent couple hours playing it.. those years were really great :)

mate can you check Arsenal and make some changes? a lot of players are injury prone far more than reality (Cesc, Henry, etc).. also Henry's acceleration/pace might need review? Also Van Persie has a match highest earner clause needs to be deleted
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I actually already edited all of Henry's stats, i'll look into the rest. Will continue when I get home in a few hours!
Yes they are in the Prem!

Update: The new version with La Liga is now uploaded and in the queue, I don't know how long it takes before it's accepted but it should be available for download very soon! Next up is The Portuguese League and some "cleaning up" such as deleting player histories, fixing some contracs, correcting stats for the more famous players and fixing som of the things you've been writing here!
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Crashes for me, don't know why! Anyone else having this problem?

EDIT: It worked a couple of times using custom database size, but now it still crashes :(
beside the crash awesome as always! :)
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Yeah it crashes for me too :(.. have couple of friends tried it and also crashed
Hmm, that's very strange and kinda sucks.. Dunno what to do about, I'll have to check and see for myself..

Make sure you use the default database and that you don't have any other databases running at the same time..
got it wroking again, i cleared all the changes u made to some teams.
Listing them from worst reputation to best, i cleared changes from Beveren to RBC, so it is not that many teams, and now it works again. Don't ask me why I did this or why it fixed it beacause i don't know either :D but for sure something is wrong with one of these teams!
Only Beveren and RBC? I believe I took away the marking that said "extinct" from them so that could be the reason. I'll do that now and then I'll see if it works, if it does I'll continue with the portuguese league :)
Only Beveren and RBC? I believe I took away the marking that said "extinct" from them so that could be the reason. I'll do that now and then I'll see if it works, if it does I'll continue with the portuguese league :)

not just them! In the editor filter teams that you made at least 1 changes to, then list them for reputation. The worst is Beveren. I removed the changes for all the teams starting from Beveren to RBC, which is the 20 or so teams withe the worst reputation that you modified! Hope it makes sense :)
Oh, I'll try to remove changes from the "minor teams" first, basiclaly teams that are not in leagues I have edited yet..
I think I've deleted all the changes from the teams you mentioned that I made before the last update, I'll try to start it now and if it works I will upload the new file so you get a working file!

I've uploaded the new file now, it seems to work for me now!
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