I have this tactique already but its not a 343Maybe just drop one AF in to midfield adding another Mezzala and move DLP in to middle, which gives You a flat 352.
Or just go cautious if You want same formation

I have this tactique already but its not a 343Maybe just drop one AF in to midfield adding another Mezzala and move DLP in to middle, which gives You a flat 352.
Or just go cautious if You want same formation
With the most recent 3-4-3 tactic that has been used with your Parma save, I seem to not be creating many chances from open play and scoring the majority of my goals from set pieces. Possibly still needing my front 3 to click and my wing backs to learn their roles properly though
Hi mate in your latest tactic how many goals from corners do you get?l
left wing back needs atleast crosing 14 and dribling 13 he crosses alot
He will do atleast 15 asists per season if he is good.
Digne done 29 asist in 29 games in my Everton test.
Hi mate in your latest tactic how many goals from corners do you get?
Also does the left winger have to take the corners?
testing your new 3-4-3 @vujevic , i have some questions
who need to take corner left/right?
which defender scores most goals? which central defender need to be tallest?
are you changed something if you play with stronger teams away?
for corners I use one of midfilders,rest is default taker.
all defenders are scoring,preffer that atleast 2 of them are tall.
with Leeds I use balanaced mentality for home and away matches.
For away I added to be more disciplined and increased passing slightly.
I hope today I will even more adjust away tactic atleast with my Leeds for now is working fine.
For now with Leeds with Balanced at home I am wining every game.
Have You change roles for IWB's?
My mistake, i meant PI's not roles did you change PI's?yes you can see photo,also I changed roles of central defenders to cover.
this is away version of tactic
My mistake, i meant PI's not roles did you change PI's?
home tactic - it's the same you've uploaded before only with balanced mentality?