352 By The Better Half - Underdog/Middleteam/Top Team Tactics

2D beats the 3D any day although I watch 3D because I like to more. I watch extended highlights along with looking at the match stats. After a while, yuo learn to spot things really early
Thanks, also what things in particular should I be watching out for to know when to change approach?
Thanks, also what things in particular should I be watching out for to know when to change approach?

Wow, theer are many things. I cant bring them all up here as that would be me writting a 40 page long guide on how to read the match engine.

In this tactic ( along with my other uploaded), just consider the versions that are relevant.
Firstly an assumtion:
Top team = a team that should be chanllenging for the title. In England - EPL -, that would be Man U, Man C, Chelsea, Arsenal and maybe, maybe Pool and Spurs.

Middle team/Underdog = All other teams in EPL

Now lets look at the versions when playing with a team like WBA, Everton, Villa, Bolton
There are only 2 versione here that you consider as starting versions. They are verfy much a like and the only major difference is the pressing system. The Lower Press makes you sit deeper and invite the opponent on to you before trying to laucnh a direct counter attack through the middle. Now, if the opponent has no interest in attacking you and you fewel that you are loosing the control of the match, then consider pressing higher ( HIgh press version). Now, what is being in control then ?. If you are 2-0 and all game, the opponent has been having possession in their own half, then this is no problem but if the score is 0-0 or even 0-1 and you simply have no controll and the opponent sits with a deep d-line, making it impossibkle to counter them as there is nothing to counter, then you simply have to press higher

If you are using the High press version - after assuming that the opponent will sit deeper and hols possession and its not possible to lure them up the field, the flow of the game should be that you win lots of tackles and break up attacks in advanced positions. If this is not the case and the opponent ghosts passes you or if they manages to play their way outr of the pressure, then consider dropping to the Low press version is there clearly is a chance that this will able you to hit them on the break when they have lots of people in ahead of the ball, instead of them hitting you on the counter, punishing you for being too agressiv

When playhing with a top team, you should consider the same things, only here, you use tyhe TOP Team high press version

Then there is the 4th version that is called "tight & Compact". Here we try to hold possession when getting the ball. This version is mainly for top teams and can also work as a Shut up shop version when you actually dont have to score more. Just monior the game as switching from the Top team high press version to the Tight&Compact when 2-0 up might not always be the correct thing. You simply have to look at the game
Currently testing this with Atalanta ( 2011/12 SQUAD) and so far, so good. It clearly works better in Spai and Italy than in England.

Anyone else up for testing this and report back, before I merge this thread into my main one ?
EDIT: To start with, I am only using the Lower press version ( well we are a heavy underdog) and its rocking big time :d
Download link isn't working.
Does anyone have this set of tactics and is willing to upload it?