352 D-WING (match engine breaker) its scary how good this tactic is!!!!

Hi, I'm just about to try this tactic with West Ham. Reid, Collins and Tomkins seem a good fit for the 3 defensive roles and I think Diame, Collison and Noble will work well in the midfield.
Quick question though, do you change the tactic for away games? I'm a bit worried about going to Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City etc playing 'Attacking'.
Hi, I'm just about to try this tactic with West Ham. Reid, Collins and Tomkins seem a good fit for the 3 defensive roles and I think Diame, Collison and Noble will work well in the midfield.
Quick question though, do you change the tactic for away games? I'm a bit worried about going to Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City etc playing 'Attacking'.

Personally i didnt even in the prem with vauxhall motors but if u change to counter and/or change wingers to wingbacks then the results should b similar n maybe stand off more n have a deeper line might help too. Let me kno how you get on with it pal
This tactic is really good especially for lower league

I found that this tactic started to struggle in prem with my vauxhall team but i put that down to weak or young players. Wen i got the players in the tactic worked but not at well. I have devised a new tactic on here for all teams to have great success. Its awesome gk check it out search for 3151 false counter