Was looking for a good tactics for my new Arsenal save, and this seems to be what I need. Also going to try it on my other saves where I'm not too satisfied with what I am coming for in terms of formations.
My tweaks are Carrilero on the MCR and still to figure out MCL role. I don't like being overloaded with playmakers and thus can't have my favourite midfield role on the left - Roaming Playmaker. DMC and AMC as creators should be enough, and because of two forwards I don't want overkill with BBM. Might as well put it on CM Support and see how it develops.
Also, both central defenders are set do CD, one with Defend and Other with cover (duty based purely on attributes).
Oh, and left foward is set to Poacher, will I have yet to decide will the right one be DLF or AF.
Going to keep updated on how is this going.