A new concept and possible FM Base project

  • Thread starter Thread starter psycho1970
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  • Replies Replies 51
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Sorry man, I need to cancel. I wont have my laptop for next 5-6 days due charger problem. I deeply sorry. I would do it on my PC ( this is complicated, (my native lang isnt eng), I'll try to explain) but since I wont have him with me ( I live and study in another city) I cant do it, sorry.
Sorry man, I need to cancel. I wont have my laptop for next 5-6 days due charger problem. I deeply sorry. I would do it on my PC ( this is complicated, (my native lang isnt eng), I'll try to explain) but since I wont have him with me ( I live and study in another city) I cant do it, sorry.

I cant see this being completed for at least a month anyway with so many editors so a 5-6 day absence wont matter so if you change your mind about canceling post your group
ill take Group M, once i see how that goes, i will help towards a 2nd group
psycho, has everyone picked a group yet? if not then myabe you should pm those that haven't, also did you say you were going to tell us which nations to use as we don't want more then one person using the same base nation if they are all meant to be compatible.
psycho, has everyone picked a group yet? if not then myabe you should pm those that haven't, also did you say you were going to tell us which nations to use as we don't want more then one person using the same base nation if they are all meant to be compatible.

No they have'nt and yes I will PM them if no response by weekend. I will give out leagues and rules on team selection and basic guidelines so each nation will be compatiable, am looking forward to how this is going to turn out.

PS anymore editors looking to get involved post here, as there are still spaces available, read through thread so you understand where we have got to on planning and choose your group.
Hopefully just have to try and figure out a way to work around UID problem think I may have a solution will try at weekend as Im busy at work at the moment.