Aberdeen Save 2022


Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score

Aberdeen FC


23 years after my first-ever Aberdeen save we are back again to try and restore the fortunes of my local big team. Logics says i should wait for the Beta to pass but here i am on an evening when the whole family is away so why not.

The last few seasons have been riddled with false starts or less interesting saves so hopefully getting back to Aberdeen after a few seasons

Long-term aims are to make Aberdeen the best team in Scotland, then the World. I think in the 100s of seasons with Aberdeen I've pulled off 3 or 4 Champions League wins but never managed to make them the best team in the world. I've often started up the save as Aberdeen and Scotland manager but i barely resisted the temptation to start with both and get Alfie Bavidge capped on day 1. Lots more on him later

Aberdeen Career

Scottish Seasons

All time Aberdeen players
All time aberdeen 1.png
all time aberdeen 2.png
all time aberdeen 3.png

Scotland Squad Appearances
Scot 1.png

World Football
World football .png

Alumni Hall of Fame

GK Luiz Junior 2024-2036
P539 Clean Sheets247 AVE 7.08
Luiz Junior start.png
Luiz Junior end.png

GK Samuel Ajayi 2034-47
P459 Clean Sheets 270 Ave Rating 7.27
Ajay start.png
Ajay out.png

DR Fillipo De Falco 2030-41

P310 G1 Ave 6.96
De Falco start.png
De Falco out.png

DC Jean Niedermann 2035-43
P308 G18 Ave 7.08

Out neierman start.png
Out Niedermann.png

DC - Joaquin Obispo 2028-2036

P307 G40 AVE 7.14
Obiso day 1.png
Obiso end.png

DL Owen Munro 2028-39
P372 G1 Ave 6.96
Munro Start.png
Munro end.png

MC Connor Barron 2018-2034
P469 G120 A156 AVE 7.13

Barron start.png
Barron out.png

MC Ramiro Martinez 2028-32 & 37-45
P408 G73 A157 Ave7.29
Ramiro start.png
Ramiro end.png

Robbe Jacobs MC
P302 G34 Av Rat 7.17
Jacobs start.png
Jacobs end.png

MR Gabrijel Rukavina 2025-30
P206 G33 A58 AVE 7.20

G Rukavina Start.png
G Rukavina sold.png

ML Krasimir Bakardzhiev 2027-38
P392 G47 A101 AVE 7.13
K Bakard start.png
K Bakard end.png

ML Henrique Pereira 2023-29
P267 G47 A71 AVE 7.07

H peirrera start.png
H Peirra out.png

AT Alfie Bavidge 2021-42
P864 G615 Ave 7.36
Bavidge 1 day 1.png
Bavidge end.png

AT Paulo Pedro 2024-32
P285 G171 Ave 7.26
out pedro start.png
Out Pedro.png

Season Reviews
Season 2022/23
Season 2023/24
Season 2024/25
Season 2025/26
Season 2026/27
Season 2027/28
Season 2028/29
Season 2029/30
Season 2030/31
Season 2031/32
Season 2032/33
Season 2033/34
Season 2034/35
Season 2035/36
Season 2036/37
Season 2037/38
Season 2038/39
Season 2039/40
Season 2040/41
Season 2041/42 & Bavidge retired
Season 2042/43
Season 2043/44
Season 2044/45
Season 2045/46
Season 2046/47
Season 2047/48

Last edited:

Season 1
Aberdeen 2022
We are starting off from the weakest point with an Aberdeen team in over a decade. I have been a major doubter of what Dodgey Dave Cormack is up to with this team and now that i am left in charge of the team of conference players his recruitment team has brought in over the last 2 seasons. Except the strikers Miovski & Ramirez are great. Relatively the squad is not good for the long term except 16-year-old Alfie Bavage there is nothing to get excited about here so I'll look to buy low and sell high while as usual hunting for the best regens the game can supply.

As expected the squad is not bad for the SPL but useless in the long run. Definitely, top 6, should be top 3 but miles off the old firm (Ugly sisters)


Smokin Joe Lewis & Kelle Roos are of similar skill levels and i should probably play Roose over Lewis
GK 2.png

The breakdown shows that not only does he fit my system better but destroys Lewis on all the main GK playing stats. Wish I looked closer at this before 3pm on the first Saturday of the season.


One of my best friends who's a season ticket holder filled our WhatsApp with repeated messages up to and beyond deadline day about the lack of depth in the defense. Jeez was he right! We opened the save up and at a stretch had a back 4 and a sub-LB who was possibly my starting ML.

From the free market, i got an utter gem in former Dutch international Jetro Willems whose career has somehow fallen further than his 2019 season on loan at Newcastle to the German 2nd division. He had no interest through the first week of the save and was interested in joining me, but only if he got every penny from the wage structure which he has smashed. The hope is his transfer fee in a year or two time will more than makeup for it. The man of a thousand positions Ross McCrorie will start at DR with Jayden Richardson rotating in. Similar thoughts with my other addition Michael Hector back at Pittodrie after a successful season on loan up here in 2013/14. A class above everyone else we have at CB

Def steawart.png

Including former Wycombe man Anthony Stewart. A fantastic brick house of a defender who had historically bad passing stats when he played in the Championship in 2022/21. Reflected here with a 5 from the people at FM. He will start ahead of Scales and fellow backups Hayden Coulson & Jack MacKenzie.


The deepest area of the squad.

Ramon Azeez is the only addition i have made to the squad but he was the backup choice. More on that tragic tale later. Like Hector, he's a step above the other MCs and i expect him to start with our only clear future cash cow Connor Barron who FM did the dirty on. Class little player we have there. Ramadani is my type of no-nonsense tough MC who is more than capable of backing them up with Liverpool Loanee Leighton Clarkson.

Out wide it seems there is a fetish for MRs. Shayden, We do love our (J)(H)(S)aydens done we!
Sorry, so he looks to start and is on a similar lower-league level to Cal Roberts. I need them to gain value quickly so i can sell them off and get Ryan Duncan the promising teen into the starting 11. Currently have a tough call on loaning him out to play every week or hope he develops at our better facility. Leaning toward loaning out but we have a month to decide. Starting on the left is our best midfielder Vicente Besuijen who will have no competition from the reliable old hand and now backup Jonny Hayes.

Our 2nd and 3rd best prospect Alfie Stewart, now the club and League Cup's youngest-ever scorer along with Adam Emslie will get featured in the first team through the season. I hope.


Everything you could dream of in a front 4. Miovski looks class, better than his star rating and Duk is right up there with him to form a fearsome front line that should score lots of goals. Ramirez would get a start for at least the 9 other non old firm teams and is probably the best backup striker in the league.


Then the 4th man. 16 year old Alfie Bavidge. In the real world, he started the u18s season with three hattricks in three games and looks like the best prospect to come out of the club since Ryan Fraser. First time in ages I've been excited about unleashing a Don from the u19s on the first team and he should be the only player from this squad i go out of my way to hold onto for the whole save.

Summer Transfers & Other notes

I earlier mentioned a midfielder that got away. This is the man
Missed step taid.png

He agreed on terms, slightly less than Willems would eventually cost me. As time went on bigger clubs came in. I thought we were goosed when Rangers came in so i maxed out what i could offer to try and secure what could have been the best MC in the league but if i had a 1% chance at that point all hope was lost when Porto entered the chat. They are actually paying him £4k less than i offered which is insulting till you realize he's signed up to play for a 1st seed team in the Champions League over a team that's not even in Europe.

LEage cup.png

Hopefully, this is the only time i need to post the League cup qualifiers. We won the group but only just after a worrying slip-up at 3rd division Kelty Hearts.


The Tactic question always comes up so here it is. It's a cross between Mike Bassetts we play 4-4-2 and the Klopp rock and roll football. MCs are the only one that is totally dependent on what the player prefers to play for position. GK, DC's, and ATT never change. Wingers depend on the required balance of the team. Will be more defensive for hard games, and more attacking vs weak. Always use a maximum of 4 players to attack whatever the formation with the majority on support. Team and player instructions are kind of the same game dependant, more relevant once you have time to scout games vs opponents.



The start was full of wins. We played well if not spectacularly. The exception is clearly flag day at Parkhead

We were doing fine and in the fight despite being behind. Well until Duk got his second yellow on his debut before half time which turned this into a friendly for the 2nd half.
Celt cup.png

We quickly had the chance for revenge and took it learning the lessons that the team goes through McGregor. Stop him and we stop Celtic. In and around these games we had a shakey win over Livingston, a very shakey win over St Mirren and more successful home wins against St Johnstone and Motherwell which was Duks redemption game after getting a red in his first game he scored a hattrick in his 2nd match.
Dons MWEll.png


Celtic lost to Dundee Utd which is amazing considering in real life they won this game 9-0. It is set us up to be tied at the top with Rangers right on our tail and the Old Firm play next too.
Rangers are thankfully into the Europa Leauge so they and Celtic can't both embarrass us in Europe's biggest competition​


And the 1st of October. I was tidying the house as i kicked off the Kilie game and was hoovering over the other room and it dawned on me. I've not done the monthly update. Good thing i didn't as the highlight of the month is in the bag already.


After the highs of August starting off with a 0-0 draw was not great but if it was a look-ahead game then it was the perfect time to get us in shape to beat Rangers comfortably 2-0. A good result against the old firm inevitably leads to defeat. Even less of a shock it was in Edinburgh and like the Celtic game a red card with half an hour to go from a striker sunk us.

Aberdeen 7-1 Kilmarnock

By far our biggest win of the season was made extra special with Alfie Bavidge who I'm sure your sick of hearing about already ended his season-long goal drought by putting 4 past Kilmarnock becoming the youngest-ever league scorer.

Bav record.png


My target for the season would be the top 3 but there is a parallel universe where St Mirren hardly gets 21 points in a full season yet here we are on the 1st of October and they lead us all. European games are affecting the Old Firm but more so Hearts who have lost 7 in a row scoring only 1 goal.​



We had high hopes for October and followed on from the Killie win with thrashing closest rival Dundee Utd but then the ar$e fell out on our form. Hearts kept up the trend of 1st half-red cards to defeat. Motherwell however is our first legitimate defeat of the season. A solid performance but just one of those days where every shot of theirs went in. We saved our month with a draw at Ibrox. We had the lead but after the previous two games, i was just happy to take a point and keep the leaders in sight.


St Mirren still holding in at the top while our defeats to bottom half sides move us behind both old firm teams and 7 points off the lead as we pass the 1/4 way point of the season.

Ramirez new contract

October gave me 1 unexpected issue. Ramirez was in the last year of his contract and should have been my 3rd choice striker and probably expendable in May. That would be if my lead striker Miovski was scoring more than a goal in every 7 games. Long term plan is to sell at least one of the main 3 in the summer for a big profit with a free coming in to upgrade but this move has covered off anything going wrong with sales or a new player coming in as Bavidge won't be ready to start next summer.​



Quick update for November. 3 wins from 3 all easy enough


Which helped to close the gap at the top. That top 4 is in great shape going forward. Rangers & Celtic are both still in the Europa League after Christmas.

My assistant does not speak for me.
Bavidge lol.png

Certified insane person​


World Cup 2022
WC Tree.png

There is no easy way to say this but England is the world champions, Good luck with that with Southgate leading the way

Notice Brazil missing from the last 16 and beyond. Indeed here they are struggling and failing to get out of the group.
WC Brazil.png


We come back to the domestic game with 4 wins from 4 including thrashings of the teams in 2nd and 4th.

Can't take too much credit for the Celtic win since they finished with 9 men.


A great month for us. We are right on Rangers tail only 2 points and 8 goals back. Celtic & St Mirren will be sitting there waiting for us to collapse​
Good luck with Aberdden had a fun save with them on FM20 and FM22 made them the number 1 team Iin Scotland and won multiple European trophies with them.



No winter break thanks to the world cup but still an awful start to the new year with a pathetic draw at home to Ross County and then only getting 1 point from 6 in the capital. We at least managed to rely on our reserves to keep us in the Scottish Cup.


We let Rangers pull 6 points clear and a healthy goal difference. Hopefully, we'll be able to kick on and fully focus on the league. St Mirren has been caught by the Edinburgh sides after their stunning start.

League Cup
LC Tree.png

There was bigger fish to fry in a far smaller competition

LC SF.png

We put on a vintage 2022 performance against the league leaders to deservedly book a place in the final

Arbroath 2-5 Aberdeen
LC Final.png

You could say we were handed the trophy and yes the final was our easiest game of the season but look at what we had to do to get there!

Beat Celtic at Parkhead & Rangers at Hampden. I've made 13 trips to Hampden in my life. 12 Aberdeen losses and also Scotland at Euro 2020. So to win twice in a month and to win a cup in season 1 is a strange phenomenon

Transfer Window
SPL tranfers.png


Dons Transers al.png

Henrique Pereira - ML
IN Hernique.png

Following former Benfica B forward Duk over to Pittodrie we hope the former u20 international can hit similar levels. Was due to be joining next summer but costs pennies to join now.

Jack MacKenzie was 4th choice LB and a loan will hopefully get them ready for Hayes leaving in the summer. Liam Harvey was leaving in the summer so i'll take the saving in wages and £3.5k for a guy that's made 2 sub appearances.

Celtic spend big to get back into the title race. Nat Phillips is a loan but the transfer page is screwy and missing all Celtics transfers so laugh away anyone who told me to wait for the full release before starting a save.​



First game against St Mirren had me really worried. We played fine but just couldn't score so that at least was an improvement on January. Thankfully we put on our shooting boots for the rest of the month finding the wins to keep us in the title hunt. We drew at Celtic which considering their form is a positive result.


Rangers lost at Kilmarnock but still pulled a gap on us since we drew twice. Celtic were perfect our game aside. Both are into the last 16 of the Europa League so we can hope that will lead to a slip-up along the way to get us back in the fight before the split.​



We did the business against two historic rivals winning both games comfortably. Had i realized there were only 2 league games in the month i would have played a strong team against championship Hamilton who gave me my most humiliating defeat so far. Put on 5-star players in the 65th minute and they still couldn't turn it around. Looks like only 1 trophy this season.


The old firm won both their games too in the middle of getting knocked out of Europe. We're fast running out of the game to catch Rangers at the top.

Youth Intake
Looks far better than it is
YOuth 1.png
YOuth 2.png

This is the reality of 4.5* player in the SPL. He could turn into a solid SPL performer but could easily never get a cap for Scotland.​



4 wins from 4 and what a difference a month can make. Ross County was an uncomfortable tight game til Duk nicked a late winner. We were clearly saving our goals for the Rangers game where we thumped the league leaders. Miovski who went on a long scoreless run at the start of the season scored 4 goals to win the game almost by himself.


Celtic also beat Rangers by 3 goals leaving it as tight as can be at the top. Only 2 points and 2 goals split the top 3 going into the split.​
Cracking first season so far mate and well in the hunt for that title at the split! Looking forward to seeing what happens over the next few matches!
Can't wait to see where this one goes

I've smashed through about 2 seasons at Aberdeen already, FM criminally underrated a few players (Clarkson & Duk for starters) for the dandies but Miovski is still a sh agger
Can't wait to see where this one goes

I've smashed through about 2 seasons at Aberdeen already, FM criminally underrated a few players (Clarkson & Duk for starters) for the dandies but Miovski is still a sh agger

How are you getting on Matt?

Clarkson was awful. Definitely been graded as an SPL youngster rather than a Liverpool youngster hasn't he. Duk has been good for me. Miovski is hot and cold.

Title Run In


There is nothing in it for the fight for the title. All 3 teams are
Rangers are the team in the biggest trouble with losses to ourselves and Celtic in the past month and have an extra game in the Scottish Cup Final right in the middle of the run in
Aberdeen got the luck of the draw getting both Old firm teams at home while Celtic got the rough end with both games away.

Match 34
Hibs 0-2 Aberdeen

Matchs 34.png

It's all about the results at this stage and we got the win.
Table  34.png

Not quite up there with Rangers destroying Celtic 5-0 to take the initiative in the title race

Match 35
Aberdeen 4-1 Rangers
Match 35.png

As fast as Rangers dropped a huge win to move into the top spot as fast as they became favorites there now 1 point behind and 2 goals back.

Table 35.png

Celtic have a game in hand as this was the game that clashed with the upcoming Scottish Cup final

Match 36
Livingston 0-3 Aberdeen
Match 36.png

Every game is a minefield and this one had more worry than usual as we simply had to rest half the team due to tiredness. Two early goals settled the nerves but it took till the last 10 minutes to put the game away and a solid 3-1 win was enough to ge the job done today.

Table 36.png

All 3 of us had big wins with Rangers taking back the lead in goal difference if it comes down to that,

Celtic 1-0 Livingston

Celtic stay in the title race but will need Rangers and Aberdeen to lose one of the last 2 games and they need to win out

Match 37
Hearts 0-2 Aberdeen
Match 37.png

Hearts as usual put on a big fight and made it difficult to us but we got the win that did it for us. Helped by a red card on the hour Hearts sent us onto the final day

Table 37.png

On this final day it's down to two. Rangers lost at Livingston so Celtic come to Pittodrie in a MUST WIN situation or we win the title.

Match 38
Aberdeen 6-2 Celtic
match 38 game.png

We started the season losing 3-0 to the same opponent and with only 3 changes to the team that was at Parkhead for flag day. Amazing what squad cohesion will do. On this day we were a step ahead of Celtic all-day

Final Table
table 38.png

Rangers sneaked back into 2nd place​
Congratulations on that title mate!! Nice work in your first season!!
Congratulations on that title mate!! Nice work in your first season!!

Can't believe it. Made hardly any signings, don't think I've managed to win it in season 1 before. The squad really came together as the year went on. Will be interesting to see how playing in the champions league effects this.