Reading the forums since the announcement I thought all the moaning abou activation was a bit harsh, it had some point but thought people went over the top.
Anyway, went off out today to buy the game, got it no problem. Back home now and imreally stuggling to get it working.
Firstly I tried Uniloc. Game installed, went to start and was promoted for my code. Enter the code and then click next with it tell me that I wasnt connect to the internet. So I turn off all firewalls and peer guardian, still not working. Restart my computer with both firewalls and peer guardian off, again doesnt work. So reluctantly I go for the Steam method. I instal Steam and it autheticates the code fine and updates my game. I go to launch the game and it does not launch, just says lauching game with a progress bar thats at 100%. So i try lauching the game by going to prog files/steam etc, launch it and it asks for the code.
Now I see myself as beign very computer literate and ive played FM for years. I really do feel sorry for the majority of FM players who only play FM and arent true hardcore gamers. They must really be struggling. Imagine how many first time players were attracted by the 3d, the increased and new forms of advertising SI used to be confronted by this, I cant see them returning to the game in the future.
Anyway im now off to try the phone method, wish me luck