Alpha Romeo Metaphor II

View attachment 314122Thursday, 27 November 2014 3pm-ish

"Alright, let's get started," I said to get the coaches meeting started. "I decided to hold this meeting now as opposed to this morning as we have some tough selection choices to make for Perugia's visit this Saturday. Gianni, you start."

"Sure, boss," my Head Physio Gianni Nanni said. "Nothing to report on Oikonomous and Zuculini. They'll still be out a while, yet. I'm worried about the fitness of Dom Maietta and Federico Barba. They both need a rest. I realize we can't rest our two healthy, senior center backs, but, there you have it, they need rests."

"In the midfield, Pazienza and Riverola and Casarini need rests, too," he continued. My fitness trainer Pietro La Porta was nodding in agreement with everything Gianni was saying. "In attack, Lepiller probably alright but Troianiello needs a rest."

"How many minutes do you think Troi can give us next Saturday?" I asked.

"45, 60 maybe."

La Porta kept nodding.

"Boss," Assistant Manager Graziano Venti interjected. "Matuzalem was moaning to me about getting more playing time. He wants to talk to you about it."

"Did you remind him about his poor fitness and inability to keep up with the pace of the match?"

"I did, Enrico," Graziano replied. "He must've heard about Aqua moaning to you and figured he'd give it a try."

"Don't tell him he'll be starting Saturday," I said. "I'll go and have a word with him. He's shown me nothing to indicate he can start regularly. He's just too off the pace and can't recover to get into position defensively. He's a liability."

"So I'm think our starters in the middle are the kid Uros Radakovic as defensive midfielder, Matuzalem alongside him and Lepiller in the attacking mid role. Sergio out on the right wing. Troi plays 60 minutes. Thoughts?"

There were shrugs, grunts and nods of agreement.

"How will they line up, Tomasso?"

"I believe the English phrase the bus will be parking is apt," Chief Scout Tomasso Fini said. "They'll play three central defenders, wing backs, a defensive midfielder in front of the back three. They'll only send four players forward. If we mark their wing backs, we shut down any fast break."

"Who should we worry about?" I asked.

"Rodrigo Taddei isn't as quick anymore like back in his Roma days, but he's still quality," Tomasso replied. "And his midfield partner is quality, is young and will run all day. Their strikres Perea and Rabusic are alright, but they're more often than not isolated. We shouldn't have too much trouble shutting them down by shutting down any service to them."

"Alright, anything else?" I asked.

There wasn't.
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View attachment 314121Friday, 28 November 2014 2:30pm or so

I was waiting in my office at Casteldelbole. Graziano had told me to expect a foursome of unhappy players. They were angered that, from their perspective, Matuzalem had complained and would be starting this Saturday. They also were under the impression that Aquafresca got his starts because he complained about his lack of playing time.

I was concerned that several of my regulars would get pissy and turn into drama queens over squad rotation. Hopefully, I could nip this in the bud.

"Come in," I replied to the knock on my door.

Franco Zuculini limped in followed by Michele Pazienza and then Marti Riverola and finally Federico Casarini.

"Please sit down," I said.

Let me remind you of the lay-out of my office. My desk faces out the window. I'd spun in my chair to face the room. There was a chair next to the door and two couches against the walls. I wasn't the type to sit behind a desk.

I motioned for them to sit down.

"So you all look rather serious, what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"We're disappointed that you caved in to player pressure and are playing Aquafresca and Matuzalem," Michele Pazienza said. Paz, the elder of the foursome, was apparently going to be their spokesman.

"First, let me talk about Aqua," I began. "When he came to talk to me, I was planning on giving him the next start. He'd scored, as you'll recall, with his first touch off the bench against Varese. After Daniele Cacia's poor performance and his good performance, it was time to give him a chance. While I can't let you in on the private conversation Robert and I had, let me just say I wasn't kind and that my words motivated him. He stewed all night over what I'd said and had to be shocked to discover he was on the next team sheet."

"Secondly, this wouldn't be an issue if you were healthy, Franco," I said. "Clear? You and Michele are my starting duo with Federico in the hole behind the striker. Clear?"

There was some nodding that they understood. I'm not sure that they were nodding in agreement with what I'd said.

"Matuzalem came to me to complain to me yesterday and we spoke," I said. "Nothing has changed about his situation. He's still a back-up and a substitute."

"So why is he starting tomorrow?" Zuculini asked.

"For several reasons," I replied. "First, you're hurt. Secondly, you, Michele are knackered. You're getting a rest tomorrow. Third, you, Federico, are also exhausted. You're also getting a rest tomorrow. And fourth, you, Marti, are also exhausted and will be resting tomorrow."

"Thanks for answering our questions," Paz said.

"You're right, sorry for questioning you like this, boss," Marti said.

"I'm still worried about the message it sends that moaning to you gets you playing time," Zuculini said as they all walked out the door.

Just get your **** hamstring healthy, Zukes. I decided to let him have the last word.
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Serie B: Bologna v. Perugia

View attachment 314093Saturday, 29 November 2014

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Perugia are winless in three and lost to Varese on the previous Monday. Their starting XI are rested, whereas I've patched together a midfield out of the available spare parts.

Perugia were dangerous counter attacking through Taddei and Verre culminating with occasional chances for Brayan Perea and Michel Rabusic. My wingers did well to make sure their wing backs were contained. Their best chance in the first half came from a 3rd minute free kick. Defensive midfielder McDonald Mariga got free from his marker and volleyed right at Dejan Stojanovic.

We pressed and pressed but couldn't break down the resolute Perugia bus. The half ended with 10 or so shots taken, 4 on goal and 5 corners. Keeper Ivan Provedel had a brilliant toe kick save on a Gennaro Troianiello shot. Nothing to show for our dominance.

I made two changes at halftime. Dom Maietta's hamstring was tight so on went Luca Callegari. Matuzalem's passing was poor and he was always out of position and unable to recover when we lost the ball. So on went Marti Riverola.

We continued to press, but the best chance fell to Perea who was played through on Dejan. Dejan blocked his shot and we were off to the other end to continue pressing.

View attachment 314092In the 63rd, I pulled of Lepiller. He was getting tired and I didn't want to risk him. On went Federico Casarini.

Our goal came in the simplest of ways. Casarini whipped in a corner and Barba headed it goalward. Provedel palmed it away but right to Sergio. Sergio just tapped it in from 2 meters.


And he did it again in the 78th minute. This time Barba flicked Troi's corner to the back post. Sergio misheaded right back across the goal. Barba misheaded it right back toward Sergio. Sergio tapped it in from 1 meter.


We won ugly, but we won. I'm not one to complain about winning. Okay, maybe sometimes. But not today.

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The Rossoblu November-December 2014 Report

View attachment 314072November was a good month!

We've only dropped 6 points out of a possible 48 so far this season. We're on a 9 match winning streak. We're pretty much guaranteed automatic promotion to Serie A. 3rd place Ternana are 13 points behind us.

Matthias Lepiller led the way this month with 5 goals. Federico Casarini had 4. Robert Aquafresca and Sergio had two apiece.

Despite being instrumental in our attack, Gennaro Troianiello only had a mere goal in November. He and Matthias shared the lead for assists with 4 apiece.

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During the winter break, we'll be playing two cup competitions. I've invited 3 Brasilian teams (Cruzeiro, Flamengo and Sao Paulo) for one Cup and Bari, Brescia and Modena for another. This should net the club in the vicinity of EU1.3M profit while keeping my players on form.

Here are some Serie B team stats along with the table.
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View attachment 313403"This streak is going to eat you alive," Gwen said as I played with my favorite pasta dish that sat mostly uneaten on my plate at our favorite restaurant. "At least eat something."

I sighed.

"Here's what's eating at me," I said. "Suddenly we're incapable of defending, the vultures and sharks smell blood and are going all papparazzi on my players. They are digging for any dirt they can find now that Riverola went to the press. And on top of it all we'll be on national television next Friday night. I've got a really bad feeling about this."

"Okay," Gwen said. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"The worst? Well, my players could be grabbing their junk every time the camera's on them. Maybe some nose picking. We could lose badly. Maybe every time the camera is on me, I'm screaming at my players. Veins bulging, face red. Yeah, I'm a little worried."

"My sweet sweet high-strung little manager of a man," Gwen said. "And it's a week away. You've got to relax. There's nothing you can do tonight. Relax, eat your dinner then let's go dancing."

"Okay. Okay. I'll eat. Watch me now."

"Smart ****."
Maybe you've forgotten to check the alpha for problems because you're too busy managing the team to win now instead of building it to win next season in the top league.

You got your old alpha after the team was relegated and got back up, because you earned the reward of footballing at the highest level in Italia. Now you've gotten a new alpha but is the team ready for the highest level in Italia?
Maybe you've forgotten to check the alpha for problems because you're too busy managing the team to win now instead of building it to win next season in the top league.

You got your old alpha after the team was relegated and got back up, because you earned the reward of footballing at the highest level in Italia. Now you've gotten a new alpha but is the team ready for the highest level in Italia?

You're right. This team is not capable of surviving in Serie A.

The defense is old, not quick enough nor skilled enough. Barba is a loan signing from Empoli (co-owned by Roma). Maietta is 32 and is starting to slow. Garics and Morleo are 30 and 31 respectively. Ceccarelli is 31 and the least capable of defending of my 3 fullbacks. I'll need to sign a few centerbacks for next season. Maybe teenager Luca Callegari improves enough to be a back-up.

My center of midfield is probably in the best condition. Pazienza is 32 but has still got enough. Casarini and Zuculini are quite skilled, creative and hard-working. I'll need some squad players to compliment them, but this is the least of my worries.

Striker and wingers are a concern. Next year I will move Lepiller inside as the attacking midfielder. He's got bags of skill and creativity but no speed. Troianiello is a loan signing and while he's having a great season in Serie B, doesn't have the speed and skill for Serie A. Sergio almost has the speed, skill and creativity but has only shown flashes that he might be a gamer. Plus, he's a loan signing. I'll need wingers for next season.

Cacia and Aquafresca worry me. A quality Serie A striker should shred Serie B defenses. Cacia looked like he was going to be that guy, but he's gone ice cold. He's got the speed, dribbling and finishing to be top class but can't seem to put it all together. Aqua doesn't have it.
View attachment 312156Thursday, 18 December 2014 3pm

"Thanks for calling in everyone," I said once everyone had announced they'd joined. I'd arranged a conference call with all of my scouts. I need to know what my options were for the upcoming January transfer window.

"I'm just going to think out loud so just jump in and interrupt whenever you have anything to say," I continued. "I have short-term and long-term needs. Short-term I could really use another hard-working midfielder with some creativity like Zuculini. Marti Riverola has done alright but doesn't have the defensive mentality."

"I could ..."

"Boss?" Mauro Innocenti interjected. I paused. "I think I have several possiblities just off the top of my head. How ready for the first team do you want this player? And what price range?"

"I have as much as 1.8 million and I'd like someone who could be a valuable asset next season in Serie A," I replied.

"I've reported several time about Antonio Vacca at Catanzaro," he said. "Solid defensively, decently creative, has a great long-range shot."

"The only knock on him is he's not the quickest," Perluigi Di Gia added.

"He's not very big but he makes up for it because he's very determined," Massimiliano Cappellini added.

"How much can I get him for?" I asked.

There's a babble of voices, everyone talking over everyone else. Eventually, they settled on as low as 400K and upwards of 800K or maybe even 900K.

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Next I asked about a striker. My scouts all agreed that it'd be tough to get a striker for under 2 million for January. However, for the summer transfer window, there were several promising prospects.

"There's another player at Catanzaro," Innocenti said. "Andrea Russotto has everything you want. Speed, dribbling, determination, finishing, flair. I think he shouldn't be playing in Serie C. Parma co-own his rights. We could buy their half for 775K to 1.5 million."

"Yes, he has all the attributes, but he's never shown he can score regularly," Di Gia interjected. "The last two seasons at Catanzaro he's only scored two and six."

"You should probably go and see him for yourself, Enrico," Chief Scout Tommaso Fini said.

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"Hey Enrico," Carlo Jacomuzzi said jumping in. "I've got a really solid left back who is absolutely hating playing for Spezia. He's recently fought and I mean physicially separated from his manager on the training ground. I think Spezia would be willing to part with him for next to nothing. He's quality just like Morleo but quicker. His name is Francesco Migliore. He could help us right now and he's far better than Ceccarelli as a back-up."

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"And I've got a tall, strong, intimidating player who'd make a great defensive midfielder," Cappellini said. "Loris Damonte plays for Messina. They've only played him as a left of right midfielder but he's 191cm (6'2") and a strong tackler. Actually, I have no idea why they haven't trained him to be a central defender. He's really great in the air. Messina are wasting him out on the flanks. We could pick him up for free this summer."

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I barely needed to talk as my scouts went back and forth about other prospects. They went on for quite a while. Around 4:30pm, I ended the meeting. They could have gone on all night if I'd have let them.
Serie B: Lanciano v. Bologna

View attachment 312040Saturday, 20 December 2014

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Lanciano had been on a seven game unbeaten streak prior to their last match against Varese. I'm worried that we're going to have a hangover from our streak ending. We played a friendly in the mid-week ... my goal for the match was to get our offense working like I want it to. Unsurprisingly, we didn't play all that well in the mid-week tune-up.

"Alright, today is a real test," I said to begin my pre-match talk. "There is one and only one way to get back on track and that's with a win today. We all know that Varese were bent over and spanked last night. Concentrate, move the ball around and let's do the business."

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We had an interesting first half.

Gennaro Troianiello spurned two great chances. Daniele Cacia was in on goal but the keeper got a finger tip to his shot and steered it wide. Lanciano's danger man was their Senegalese right winger Mame Thiam. He hit the side netting when he should have scored and Garics blocked his shot at the last second when he looked sure to score.

At halftime I urged them to keep working hard and that the result would come.

I don't know what my opposite number had to say to his troops, but they came out of the tunnel on fire. Left winger Paolo Grossi hammered a 25 meter shot that Dejan Stojanovic scrambled to tip over the bar nearly straight from the kick-off.

And we were off to the races. The two sides charged back and forth across the pitch trading chances. But they were creating the better chances.

In the 78th minute, I replaced Cacia with Robert Aquafresca and a tiring Matthias Lepiller with Sergio. Maybe Aqua could provide some late magic?


In the 84th, Luca Callegari wasn't close enough to Lanciano central defender Federico Amenta at the near post on a corner. Amenta spun away from Luca his glancing header looped over Dejan and into the far side netting.


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You have been writing mind-bogglingly great stories, mate!!!

I have been inspired by you and have started a story that will follow your story telling format. I will share it with you for your critique over message, once it gathers steam.

My attempt is a tribute to your story-telling abilities.
You have been writing mind-bogglingly great stories, mate!!!

I have been inspired by you and have started a story that will follow your story telling format. I will share it with you for your critique over message, once it gathers steam.

My attempt is a tribute to your story-telling abilities.

Now you've got me blushing .... Thanks!
View attachment 311936Sunday, 21 December 2014 8:30am

As the fog parted to reveal the gate of Casteldelbole, Enzo appeared out of the fog as well.

"Good morning, Enrico," he said. "So you're going to make them run after yesterday's loss?"


"Good," he said. "Maybe some running will help them remember how to score. They really didn't defend all that poorly yesterday."

"Yes, Luca learned a hard lesson yesterday," I replied. "But we get Dom and Oiks back this week."

"How are you taking all this?"

"The usual," I replied. "Not eating, not sleeping well. I'm just worried about the Derby Via Emilia. Modena are hot right now. They're on a eleven game unbeaten run. They've climbed from 15th to 5th in the table. And the way they yanked down Varese's pants, bent them over and spanked them until they cried for their mommy ... well ... that was brutal."

"Oh, my little devil," Enzo said. "You worry too much. I've already been to visit Santa Catherina this morning ..."

"How early do you get up, Enzo?" I interrupted.

"Never you mind. God, the Saints and my Rossoblu give me the strength. That and I have my mother's constitution. I said several prayers to Santa Catherina and lit some candles and I will do it every morning this week in preparation for the match. So you do your job of getting the boys ready and let God and Santa Catherina take care of the rest."

"You're the best, Enzo," I said and drove on into Casteldelbole.