Alpha Romeo Metaphor II

Another reason why you need that wage level increased is to snipe a striker that can score in series A on a bosman in winter as well. A competent striker for series A is going to make your friendly cup competitions look like a church bake sale.
Another reason why you need that wage level increased is to snipe a striker that can score in series A on a bosman in winter as well. A competent striker for series A is going to make your friendly cup competitions look like a church bake sale.

Mos def. Past experience with earlier versions of FM indicate that after we get promoted, my wage ceiling will increase. I just hope that occurs in May before someone can poach Casarini in June.
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Saturday, 17 January 2015

It was a good Saturday for the Rossoblu. All of the teams near us in the standings dropped points. Second place Varese lost to next Saturday's opponent Ternana. Ternana move up to sixth. Third place Livorno drew at home. Fourth place Avellino lost away to Frosinone.

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Serie B: Brescia v. Bologna

View attachment 309381Saturday, 19 January 2015

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It's a **** afternoon in Lombardy. It's raining, damp and cold enough the rain could easily change over to snow. I'm in my hooded raincoat, hat, scarf and rain pants. I've got my polypropylene long johns under the rest of my clothes. I've got so much on I can hardly move.

In the season opener, Brescia's left back Masahadu Alhassan got sent off for two yellow cards in Matthias Lepiller. Today's ref Luca Pairetto has given out 119 yellows and 9 reds in 35 matches. If today's match is anything like August's, Pairetto is going to be busy.

We traded chances in the opening minutes. In the 13th minute, Alessandro Budel sent Casarini splattering to the turf about 25 meters out in the center. Pairetto reached into his pocket and pulled out his yellow card.

Matthias Lepiller hit the wall with his free kick. The ball rebounded right to him and he tried to beat Ahmad Benali on the dribble. Benali threw Matthias to the turf and started the fast break. Striker Andrea Caracciolo eventually got the ball at the top of the box, he slid a slide rule pass into the path of Sodinha. Thankfully, Sodinha filled his pants from 10 meters and shot safely wide.

Two minutes later, Benali hoisted a high ball out toward his right midfielder Sestu. Captain Archimede Morleo leapt but Sestu won the challenge. Sestu's header hit Morleo and plopped right in front of him. Sestu raced goalward, Dejan Stojanovic came racing out and Sestu slid the ball under my keeper. Everyone in Stadio Mario Rigamonti held their breathe as the ball rolled toward the far post. It nicked the post as it rolled wide.

The game changed in the 22nd minute. Robert Aquafresca had tracked back and received a pass from Morleo. Budel was marking him. This is where Budel lost his mind. Aqua was a mere 5 meters inside the half line and dribbling toward the center circle. Yet Budel felt the need to put a hand on Aqua's back and push while at the same time putting his leg across Aqua.

Pairetto had no choice. Out came his cards and Budel received his second yellow and he was off!

A couple minutes later, Benali sent Casa splashing. Lepiller lined up the free kick. It was a full 30 meters but Matthias looked like he was going to shoot. He got the ball up and over the wall then it dipped. Brescia keeper Michele Arcari dove low for the far post and tipped it against the post. As hit slid into the side netting, the ball hit his knee and lay 1 meter from the line. Defender Racine Coly was going to be first to the ball, but his intention was to clear it. Federico Casarini slid fast and hard past Coly as wound up to kick the ball. Casa somehow got his toe in first and flicked it over the prone keeper as the two players piled ontop of the keeper.


We continued to dominate possession but Brescia worked hard. Our next good chance came in the 35th. Casa fed a ball into the left inside channel. Both Gennaro Troianiello and the Biancazurri right back slid for the ball. Whomever got the ball, the keeper blocked the shot. Honestly, I think it would have been an own goal if it'd have gone in.

In the 40th, Casa got chopped down about 40 meters out. Uros Radakovic was first to the loose ball and Pairetto signaled to play on as we had the advantage. Uros passed left to Antonio Vacca. Casa picked himself up and sprinted goalward. As Vacca slide a pass up to Aqua, nobody picked up Casa's run. Aqua just flicked the pass into the the space for Casa to run onto. Federico smashed the ball past the keeper.

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That just about wrapped it up. The conditions were horrific, a nightmare compared to sunny Cadiz.

We kept the ball well enough. We passed it decently enough considering the conditions. It also helped that Coly got sent off for a dangerous, two-footed tackle on Aqua. Aqua got lucky, he could have been seriously injured.

Two matches against us and Brescia have 3 red cards!

We played well knowing that 3 points would give us a 6 point cushion over Varese.

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View attachment 308859Tuesday, 20 January 2015 noonish

My mobile jangled in my pocket. I pulled it out and nearly dropped it when I saw that it was my ex-sister-in-law. Now, I liked Maria well enough and I think the feeling was mutual, but I hadn't heard from her in years. I felt this knot develop at the pit of my stomach, maybe a better description would be an empty pit like that feeling when the other shoe drops. This couldn't be good.

"Maria, I haven't talked to you in years."

"Hi, Enrico," she replied. "Yes, it has been a long time, hasn't it."

"I got a really bad feeling when I saw it was you, what's up?" I asked.

"It's ... uh ... my ... um ... it's it's Isabella ..."

"Oh no," I said.

"She's ... she's ... she's ... she died on Sunday," she sobbed.

"I'm so sorry."

I faintly heard sobbing on her end for a moment.

"I'm so sorry, that's horrible," I repeated as this news settled in. "How? What happened."

"Oh, Enrico, it was horrible," she replied. "Something happened on Thursday night. I think I think she overdosed. The doctors thought her liver was failing. She ... she ... uh ... her drug screen ... um ... Oh my God ..."

"Let me guess," I interjected as Maria began sobbing again. "Coke, meth, alcohol, pain killers?"

"Yes," she replied between sobs. "You get the idea. Then her kidneys failed. Oh, Enrico. It was awful. Horrible. She blew up like a balloon, inflated. She turned blue. Oh my God ..."

"I'm so sorry, Maria," I said. "So sorry."

"Um, my father wants you to know," she continued once the sobbing abated. "My father wants you to know that you don't have to come. He says you did all you could for her and he understands that you might not want to come."

Not a chance of that. Here was my chance to get closure over her, her family and everything she and her family represented. There was no way I was going to miss this chance to move on.

"I'll be there," I said. "Tell your father and your mother that I'm so sorry and that I'll be there."

"Oh, Enrico. Why did it have to end this way?"

"Because addiction is ugly, Maria. Just plain ugly. Take good care of yourself and your Mom and Dad. When is the funeral?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, you'd probably want to know that," she said. "Thursday. I'll email you the details."

"Thank you for calling," I said. "I'm so sorry you have the job of calling people."

"It's only you and a few members of the extended family in America," she said. "I'll be okay."

"Of course you will," I said. "Take good care and I'll see you Thursday."

View attachment 308662Thursday, 22 January 2015

Gwen and I took the earliest train we could to Roma, transferred and made it to Napoli in plenty of time to get to the church in time for the funeral. We took a cab from the train station, drove past the small, neighborhood church to a nearby cafe that the cabbie recommended. We were too early.

"I must say that you are a bundle of nerves right now," Gwen observed.

I shrugged. I had a lot on my mind. Isabella and I had been divorced since June of 2009. When she left, Isabella had promised to gouge me for every euro she could. I guess I owed her father a lot as he'd intervened. Our divorce was quiet, quick and civil. The same man who was a major player in one of the most notoriously vicious criminal syndicates was also a decent man who treated me rather well in this aspect.

From his perspective, Gianluca approaching me with the offer to get rid of some of the debt I owed him was probably his way of trying to help. My debt was just business and since his business was crime, match-fixing was just a business deal that benefited everyone.

On another level, I'm sure he realized that I wouldn't be able to refuse any of his offers. He had power over me. First, because I couldn't have refused his offer of help to keep my restaurant open. Secondly, because if I had been disruptive, dangerous (in terms of law enforcement), disloyal or in any way belligerent, I (as a problem) would have been solved. In the Camorra, as in all large criminal syndicates, they only use a limited number of problem solving tools, i.e., knives, guns or bombs, when threats (implicit or otherwise) don't work.

View attachment 308663"I'm sorry," I said after I realized she'd just spoken to me. "I'm lost in my thoughts. Yes, I am a bundle. I don't know how much of this is nerves and reminiscing and ... I don't know ..."

"You know what baffles me now?" I said after a moment's pause. "That I married into this family despite kind of sort of knowing what I was getting into. I was just young and blindly, madly in love. What the **** was I thinking."

"Or not thinking with the brain in your head," she added glancing downward.


"Do you have any ties left to them?" she asked. "Didn't he say, implicitly or maybe more clearly, that you're free?"

"I think so," I said. "But you never know. There's only one way to find out."

"And that is?"

"Time will tell," I said as I shrugged.

It may have been drizzling, but at least it was warm. Warmer than Bologna by ten degrees. If the sun would have been out, it would have been pleasant. After a while of aimless chit-chat interrupted by my brooding, we walked under my umbrella to the church.

The ceremonial parts of the service were in Latin and the rest was in Neapolitan dialect which I pretty much don't understand. That's good, I guess. I'm not sure I wanted to hear how she was such a wonderful person. I don't mean to say that she wasn't or anything, just that it was more complex than that. She had been a charming, manipulative, warm, abusive, spontaneous and deceitful ... sometimes all inside an hour. Our marriage was a rollercoaster ride that didn't end well.

View attachment 308664I invented my own homily as the priest lisped away in his incomprehensible dialect. Then I was walking out into momentary sunshine with the most gorgeous, honest and straightforward woman I had ever met. Despite it being a funeral, nearly every man there snuck glances and some were more brazen about it. Those few blasts of sunlight awakened me from the past into the present. This might just work out pretty well for me in the end.

Everyone gathered outside and we all eventually walked four blocks to the family plot in a nearby graveyard. If anything reminded me of the Godfather movies, this part did. A massive line formed to wish the family well. As ex-husband, I was thankfully near the front.

And finally, we were in the taxi then on the train back towards Bologna.
Something tells me that its not going to provide as much close as Pucci is hoping for.
Serie B: Bologna v. Ternana

View attachment 308014Saturday, 24 January 2015

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This is going to be a tough match. Ternana are 6th and have the second stingiest defense in Serie B. They've given up 22 in 22. They've only scored 29 so they have a lot of 1-1 and 1-0 matches and a mere four losses. They sit back in a 532 catannachio and hope to score on the counter attack or from set pieces. We're going to be in their end most of the match and need to concentrate especially hard when they're in our end.

It's 7C (44F), raining and windy. Another **** day in paradise. The only benefit is that the ball will zip across pitch except for the parts that are starting to get chopped up.

We started brightly and pinned them in their end and created several decent chances. Their first trip over the half line was a clearance that Federico Barba fell down as he challenged for the ball with Fabio Ceravolo. Ceravolo took off downfield on a two-on-one with only Dominico Maietta back. Once Dom was stranded in no-man's-land, Ceravolo slid a pass across the box to his fellow striker Valeri Bozhinov.

The Boz shot wide.

Dejan Stojanovic made great save to deny The Boz in the 15th minute. Other than those two early chances for Ternana, we pressed and pressed and pressed for the goal, but we rarely got our shots anywhere near the target. Their keeper only had to make two saves and they blocked a great chance for Gennaro Troianiello. Troi and Daniele Cacia were poor in the first half.

As the players were lined up for the second half kick-off, I yelled for them to concentrate. Statistically, halftime to the hour mark is our most generous time of the match and I didn't want to lose 1-0 to these throw-back, long ball, catenacchio clowns.

In the 47th minute, Davide Gavazzi played a ball between Barba and Dom for Ceravolo to run onto and Ceravolo zipped a pass across the wet grass towards the corner of the net. Dejan couldn't get down and over quick enough.


Then we proceeded to do nothing of interest for the next ten minutes. I got Robert Aquafresca and Sergio warming up. In the 57th minute, Casarini played a perfect pass into the box for Daniele Cacia. In dining terms, he set out the best china, finest wine glasses for the perfect feast. Cacia dawdled that extra split second to make sure he struck it right. This is what happens to strikers when they've gone for over 300 minutes without scoring. A defenders lunged in and blocked his shot when he got around to taking it.

The ball fell to Troi who cleared it to safety with half the net gaping. My face met my palm.

I pulled them both off and put Aqua and Sergio on.

In the 60th, Dejan took a goal kick. Ternana midfielder Andrea Bovo won the header and headed to Ceravolo. Ceravolo plays a ball into space behind Maietta. Dom doesn't hustle and The Boz gets there at the same time and wins the tackle. The ball squirts out and directly into the path of Gavazzi. He'd have been in alone on goal if he hadn't of filled his pants and overrun the ball. Garics is over in a flash, lunging in with a tackle. Gavazzi wins the tackle and slips Bozhinov through. Thankfully, The Boz shoots wide yet again.

Fkn Kamikaze Keystone Kops defending and attacking. That was a truly ridiculous moment. I yell at my players again to concentrate.

Ternana are getting behind our midfield too easily and getting the ball up to The Boz and Ceravolo too easily. Michele Pazienza is tiring so I replace him with Franco Zuculini in the 67th minute. Hopefully, Zuke's speed will make a difference in front of our back four.

It doesn't.

We just can't create any decent chances against Ternana's parked bus. They've got five defenders, the midfielders guard the top of the box and their fowards have become auxiliary fullbacks. They're not even trying to break out of their own end now.

In the 86th, we have a throw-in in their half down the left. We work it deep into the corner with Aqua on the ball. He spots Sergio's run into the left edge of the box and slides a pass in. Sergio immediately has three defenders converging. But he spots Casarini's run into the box toward the penalty spot and pokes the ball past a defender and into Casa's path. I knew this was our last chance. Would Casa save us?

Federico blasts the ball high.

Curva Sud groans in unison. The late, late magic of last fall is gone. Like the weather, our offense is ice cold.

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View attachment 307998Sunday, 25 January 2015 minutes after high noon

To return to the metaphor of this tale, the Alfa doesn't want to start in the cold. It eventually runs, but not well. December and January haven't been good to us. I'm now officially paranoid. I'm also late.

"Thanks everyone for joining the call, sorry I'm late," I said.

There were murmurings of no problem and etc.

"Let me begin the meeting by swearing in English," I said in Italian. "God damned mother****ing **** biscuits!" Then switching back to Italian. "Why am I cursed with strikers incapable of scoring right now?"

"We understand your pain, Enrico," Chief Scout Tommasso Fini said.

"It's this Tramontana wind that's been blowing out of the Alps since the beginning of December," Scout Antonio Mazzagatti added.

"Cursed global warming," Georges Grun said.

"Technically, it's global climate change," Pierluigi Di Gia corrected. "More severe winters, hotter and drier summers. More big storms. Longer droughts when they come."

There were murmurs of agreement.

"Anyways, this isn't a climate change conference," Fini interrupted. "I think our boss wants to discuss something frigid, ice cold and fickle."

"Thank you, Tommasso. Yes, I need a third striker. Preferably one who can also play on the wing or in the hole behind the striker in case Cacia or Aqua regain form and we either have injuries or the lack of goals virus spreads throughout the attacking positions."

We immediately agreed that buying was out of the question and there were no free transfer players worth pursuing. We talked for a while about the Italian options. They were either too young or too expensive. There were plenty of young options, but the problem was all the big Italian clubs had already loaned out all their hot prospects already. We needed to look abroad.

"I may have a great one for you," Georges Grun said. Georges covered Belgium, France and Holland. "Thibault Vion is a young man, twenty one, in the FC Metz system. Currently, he's stuck in the reserve team and the reserve team is more like an over-crowded prison than a football squad. Metz is in the relegation zone and no young players are getting chances. It's an all adults into the breach type of situation. His agent says he's unhappy and wants playing time."

"He's not the quickest, but he's got a good scoring touch and he's a smart player," Georges continued. "He's a determined player and can play in any of the four attack positions. I think he's got plenty of room for improvement if he were to be playing at a level that challenges him. These next two years are make or break for him in my opinion. I've seen plenty of young men who either blossomed into a top level footballer or never got the chance to develop and played in the lower leagues. And he only speaks French and decent Portoguese as he spent three years there. So that's a bit of a problem."

"You've highlighted him in your reports before, haven't you?" I asked.

"Yes, I have."

"Alright," I said. "Do we have video?"

"Unfortunately, no," Georges Grun said. "The video I found was too old though he did show promise. He fell out of favor with the manager and was banished to the reserves before Metz took him back on a free."

We didn't have any better options nor any as highly recommended. Georges reports were the best of any of my scouts so I was inclined to trust his judgment.

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Ha, ha, ha, i thought i had heard every excuse a manager can use for an under performing team but global warming is a new one for me! Lol

Great stuff Enrico!
good find. Hes raw but he got it where it counts in the finishing and determination. I think hes going to grow as a great AMC to rotate the attacking three pretty well..

I've been having success with a box to box midfielder instead of a DM drawing out a defender/ providing that center pressure. Maybe you could try that in a friendly or something?
good find. Hes raw but he got it where it counts in the finishing and determination. I think hes going to grow as a great AMC to rotate the attacking three pretty well..

I've been having success with a box to box midfielder instead of a DM drawing out a defender/ providing that center pressure. Maybe you could try that in a friendly or something?

I always have someone in a DM role because otherwise there is a huge gap between the defense and the mids. In FM15, the gaps between defense and the midfield seem even larger.

Another factor to consider is my fullbacks are often bombing forward. So in effect the DM and two center backs are the ones who stay back.
The January-February Rossoblu Report

View attachment 307299I don't know about you, but I'm glad January is over. The friendly Cup competitions didn't break us out of our slump though the first one did make us a few euros.

We got only 4 out of 9 points and Varese won two and lost one to pull within a point. The bottom line is that Ternana and Modena are 8 points behind us. That's a decent cushion.

Daniele Cacia, Robert Aquafresca and Gennaro Troianiello are ice cold. Matthias Lepiller and Federico Casarini have been erratic. Casarini struck two against Modena but was poor in the next two. Lepiller can't get anything on net and his crossing, either from the wing or from corners, has been poor.

So my goal for February is to get the aforementioned attacking players scoring.

Crotone are 17th so we have a good chance to get all three points against them. Catania are playing great and that will be a tough match. Varese and the rest of the chasing pack will be hoping for Catania to do them all a favor and beat us. Frosinone are 15th and we should win that one. Carpi are tougher and we'll have to be careful but if my attacking corps gets back on track, we should be able to win this one.

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