What training you suggest?
This Tactic's creator hasn't been around so I'll try and answer.
For me training depends on (1) the quality of the players that you have available. (2) What you're looking to achieve with your squad and (3) the size of your squad. There are other factors but, for me, these are the main three.
As regards to (1), If there are areas where a player can improve in regards to their role then focus on that. Basically the requirements for Roles are really easy to find. When you go to a player's profile screen the roles in which they can play should be listed down the bottom left of the screen. Just select the right role plus the duty and the attributes they need should be highlighted. These are the areas that the player will need to be strong in. Go to the training screen and just tell them to train the right role. That should take care of most of it. There may be a couple of other things though.
Take the FB(a) - he's instructed to Shoot More Often. This might mean that you want to include Finishing, Long Shots &/or Technique, which don't come as part of the regular FB training schedule. The W(s) - is instructed to Tackle Harder - so add Tackling. he's instructed to Shoot More Often, so again, Finishing, Long Shots & Technique. Your WM(a) is instructed to Tackle Harder - so add Tackling, he's instructed to Dribble More - so, Dribbling, Technique, Agility and Balance. The strikers are instructed to Tackle Harder so - add Tackling, if you want, I don't.
I would also say anyone with low Stamina should be given that as well because its a hard working tactic.
FB(a) - Train as Fullback + Finishing, Long Shots, Technique and Stamina.
W(s) - Train as Winger + Tackling, Finishing, Long Shots, Technique, Stamina.
WM(a) - Train as Wide Midfielder + Tackling, Dribbling, Long Shots, Technique, Agility & Balance
DLF(s) - Train as DLF + Tackling (Optional), Stamina
P(a) - Train as Poacher - Tackling (Optional), Stamina
The rest of the players should be fine being trained with just the standard Roles demanded by the tactic.
if your players are already perfectly suited to their role then skip this step. i.e - if everyone is already quality at their specific role then its time to think about (2). What are you trying to achieve? Are you all about developing players or do you focus on short term goals and players are just tools that you offload as soon as they've served their purpose? If you're trying to develop them then just try to make them as well rounded a player as possible. If you've got an excellent attacking wide player FB/MF then see if you can given them some defensive roundedness by training them as a DFB. If you've got a solid CB see if you can give them a little extra on the ball by training them as a BPD or CM. If you've got skillful CMs then see if you can train some DCB skills. For me its about giving my players a roundedness so they are adaptable. Never be afraid to train a player's weaker foot - no matter what your stupid *** Man says. Never be afraid to retrain a Right Winger as a Left Winger, or a Striker as an AM, an AM as a CM.etc
Everyone does it differently.
Lastly, (3, if you've got a small squad then I'd advise not over training. Focus on the absolute necessities and leave it at that. You don't want your players burning out.
Hope that helps.