3D is big in my view. It marks the beginning of what is bound to be an immense journey for the game as a whole, and i fully expect the game to be running a Pro Evo 5/6 engine soon; maybe as soon as 2/3 years. That in itself is exciting enough for me, and i find the highlights much more enjoyable; part of that is down to the fact that although it worked wonderfully well, i really do feel the 2D was becoming outdated, and partly because i can really see that it's an Adebayor looking character representing the God Emmanuel himself, instead of some bloated little pie-ball.
Personally i also prefer the news coming in bulk, i.e Press Conferences, and they've changed the confidence levels dramatically when needed.. though i admit, they are ****** repetitive. I'm hoping, and almost expecting there to be some update soon. One which includes alternate interviews and whatnot. One thing i really don't like is that my *** Mng can't be trusted with the team talk. That i'll give you. I don't need Pat Rice storming out and telling the opposition my tactics, thanks.
I'll also admit i don't like the new 2D version, or the alternated classic, which in itself isn't the classic 2D, so yeah i can see your point here, but really.. why use 2D.
The 3D'll grow on you for sure, it has on me anyway, because as someone who's played the game through school, uni and will probably die bleeding young hotshots-to-be dry, it really is time to move the game forward.
Don't think i don't hear your cries, but i'm really happy with my purchase. (Though i wasn't at the beginning with all the Steam malarky.. that was NOT funny, and almost had me still playing 2D, like some degenerates i know)