Are YOU better than Ali Daei?-a BaP

Well my guy is a failure, anyway I believe it is a rule in some countries that you can't play for foreign teams until a certain age. It isn't the Portuguese leagues fault it's just down to your players nationality.
Well my guy is a failure, anyway I believe it is a rule in some countries that you can't play for foreign teams until a certain age. It isn't the Portuguese leagues fault it's just down to your players nationality.
Your right Taksman Monteeka is going to join Carolina RailHawks (good luck Seano) but also has to wait until 2014
Alski snubs Wanderers to join United!
The Wanderers in question is Wolves and The United In question is NOT Manchester but Leeds United.This comes as a suprise to many as Wolves are in the EPL while Leeds are a mid table team in the championship,but the Syrian born Alski has chosen first team football over reputation.He also Snubbed an offer from Birmingham. View attachment 230327
I did!
Guys this has crashed AGAIN.Luckily I have a backup save though so ill just start it up again
Dont worry my backup save is only a week off so you'll still have your clubs and everything
Sorry mate it may be a while,as Ive just managed to get internet but connection dwindling:((im out for the day)
In truth nothing much has happened recently except that Mr.Alski has become the youngest guy to score in the european U19 championships,the got himself injured for 3-6 days
Just a quick update before i holiday...
Dhofar have now signed Mohamed Bazinga permanently
Feyenoord are interested in Takayumi!
Finally somebody is interested in the Japanese mid.After months of no interest dutch club Feyenoord are rumored to want him.
in other news...
Jujur Zorro has hit FANTASTIC form for the Iran U21 side scoring 7 goals in just 5 matches!The striker has also performed well for his club side,Saba Qom scoring 3 in 5 (with 6 appearances as a sub)
French side FC Nantes have given Kim Jong Yeah a contract offer but whether he accepts or not remains to be seen....
Al-Gharrafa are the latest interested in Ai-Al-Rahbt etc etc
Orduspor hae submitted a contact offer to Muhammed Agin
This is just a quick update on your records for you U21 teams :
Oliver Alski
hasn't hadany games for his U21 side,England just the U19s.
Taksman Monteeka despite being a CM/RM he has scored 1 goal in 5 games for India.Ung Syung-Hyo has represented the South Korea U21 national team 3 times not surprisingly,as he is a Gk not scoring any goals.
Kesiuke Takayumi The only one of our wonderkids NOT to have been called up by his national side(Japan) at either U21 or U19 level.
Jujur Zorro The Iranian striker has scored 7 goals in 5 appearances for Iran's U21 side,as mentioned above.
Kim Jong-Yeah The South Korea U21 striker,who is also eligible to play for Qatar has scored an impressive 4 in 4.
Panda Le The versatile Chinese striker + winger has scored 2goals in 5 appearances for his national side.
Abdul Razak Mohamed III The Pakistani surprisingly has only 1 U21 cap too his name in which he did not score.
**** Haibo Junior The second of our Chinese strikers + wingers has an impressive record for his national U21 side having scored 5goals in 5games.
Ali-Al-Rahbt-Al-Sharzah-Dubai The long named Qatari striker's record of 6goals in 5games is beaten only by Jujur Zorro's 7 in 5.
Muhammed Agin The Bangledeshi attacker,who will join Orduspor in 2015(!) has scored 2goals despite only playing in 1game.
Mohamed Bazinga The Omanese Midfielder has scored 1 in 5 for his national side.