Are you loyal or are you a journeyman??

Are you a journeyman or are you loyal?

  • Loyal

    Votes: 52 54.7%
  • Journeyman

    Votes: 18 18.9%
  • Both

    Votes: 25 26.3%

  • Total voters


Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
So what type of FM manager are you?

Are you loyal and make one save and stick with it and play 30 years into the future

or are you a journeyman and make multiple saves and switch from one to the other all the time?

or are you a bit of both?

Im sort of the journeyman type

So what type are you?
Depends on what kind of file I'm playing. Generally I'm loyal, but if I'm starting a file where I'm unemployed I'll up sticks at the slightest notice.
journeyman, i cant stand dealing with regens. loses the realism of the game (for men anyway)

I play about 4-5 seasons in a save then start over
Well, I was loyal to Juventus for around 6-7 seasons, got bored and left for OL, then left for City because they sacked their manager and they had lots of money to spend.

So, really, I'm half and half.
Kind of a mixture between the both, I'll normally play for 5-6 years with team & if I am to continue it has to be another challenge. Maybe take a lower team or a national team!
after one year in the job - 2 maxiumum i get bored as it gets unrealistic with all the changes

most of the time though i watch a team on TV then fancy being them on FM :p
i'm confused because i thought a journeyman was when u had a save and just moved about to different clubs within that save but u seem to be describing it like you have heaps of different saves and just switch between them :S
I usually have one long-term loyal game and have a couple of journeyman games on the side for when I get a bit bored of the long-term save.
I have one permanent, long-lasting save (naturally Arsenal) and a few little saves I play a few times a week: Swansea, Espanyol, lower league etc.
Depends on the game.

Some I intend to stick with the club from the start and the save game file is called accordingly, stating the number of leagues and nations loaded (Leicester City (44 Leagues, 13 Nations)) for example.

Or a careers game saved in the same format (Career - Luton Town Currently (44 Leagues, 13 Nations)).

I have about 6-7 game files on the go at any one time.
im always loyal, will generally stick to one team for 20-30 seasons :p
I love starting with a Championship or League 1 team and getting them into the Premier League building a good team of youthful players before moving on to a big team. Thats really good fun.

When i start with Tottenham i normally just play until i get sacked then reflect on things before deleting it anyway.

Another game i really enjoy is playing with a team that has 1 or 2 good players and building my team around them. These games i usually stay around 6/7 years before moving on to a big club anywhere in europe.

Good thread mate.
Journey man cant help longest I have stayed at a club was 3 and half years that was man united then I left because I got offered Barcelona
Gone for journeyman style games using less well known countries this year. Longest I've been at a club is 4 years so far.

Got one loyal game with the Venezuelan National team, but apart from that all my saves are journeyman games.
One my current Save..

Started first season with Wycombe, Won the league, Moved to Leeds but that didn't go so well, so sacked in December, Now been at Nottingham Forest in the premiership (got them there myself (A) for '455 days' apparently but i've also rejected Job offers from clubs such as Fulham, Everton, Stoke (with 22M transfer Budget), Blackburn and one more i cant think of..
The only save I am on atm i am on my 4th team in 2 half seasons
