Arsenal almost signed me - Barton

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Tbf I have stated before Barton appeared to change on and off the pitch (before he went mental with Twitter of course). I do still think he's a good player, but he just annoys me when he goes off on one of his little rants either in the press or Twitter. But I strongly disagree with the labelling of him as a "football cancer". That's just way ott.

But I think also maybe the reason Arteta hasn't been as good for past 2 years was mainly injuries, and maybe just going stale at Goodison. Maybe this move will get him going again. Been pretty good so far
TBH I really enjoy his twitter rants and he is a character something game needs. His gesture for wolves fans was classy. 3-0.
I've never labelled him a footballing cancer, but the negatives outweigh the positives for me, especially given how Arsenal player view him, even before the gervinho incident.

What, after they stamped on him, and basically singled him out to foul? Not just this season, but last season also? Makes sense. Although, I would say it should be the other way around, why would Barton want to play for a team that has acted like that? Arsenal try and make out they are clean as anything, but at the end of they day, they are one of the dirtiest teams in the premier league. Just look at their disciplinary records for the past few seasons? Probably since Wenger took over. I know you don't label him a footballing cancer, but you still have a massive dislike for him, which is clouding your judgement on his obvious quality.

He's free, doesnt mean he is going to get on with the players.

Why does it even matter? I am sure he would have got on with a few? At the end of the day, football is a game, a sport, it's not like you have to jump on a grenade to save his life, you have to pass him the ball sometimes, you have to maybe celebrate with him, apart from training and match days, you hardly have to see each other, I work with people I hate, I don't **** myself about it if we have to do group work? I don't sit and cry in the corner if I have to play football with someone thats a ****? At the end of the day, you have to be professional, as it's you're job, if you cant stand spending.. probably what.. 20 hours a week with someone, and get paid 20-80k a week for it, then who is the person with the problem. There are plenty worse places to be in life.

As for Arsenals business, i've gone on and on about this all summer berating the board/wenger. Something stinks in the boardroom when it comes to transfers.Arsenl should have had Mata for 13million and 70k a week, in fact they a deal with the player, then it fell apart before chelsea even came in.

Exactly, I'm not saying you're not berating their transfer activity, but the point of the matter is that Arsenal fans are happy they signed a bit part player like Yossi, and a past it Arteta, when they could have had Barton at the same price as Yossi, and a **** of alot cheaper than Arteta, when he has had a much better season last year, and even the year before that when we were in the championship, Arteta just hasn't looked the same since he had all that time off due to injury. I just don't see the logic in being happy that you didn't sign a player that would have improved your squad, which is obviously lacking, shown in your league position.

There is a reason why the very best didnt look at a very good free player, and thats his temperament, still question marks against it

I can understand why Chelsea/Liverpool/United/City/Spurs didn't look at him. I am unaware if there is any proof that no other teams in the premier league looked at him, I imagine some of them did although obviously I don't have any proof to back that up, but I could see no reason for them not to make an enquiry. He isn't a starter for a top 4 side, but Arsenal won't be a top 4 side this season if they carry on in the fashion they are now, which negates the whole point of debating if he is a top four player, he is definitely a player that should be playing for a team that should be looking for a top 10 finish, and you can tell that by the fact that QPR have given him the captaincy, obviously done due to their realisation that they have pulled in a player that is, by far, a quality which far outclasses their standard. Granted, his temperament has always been under question, but so many good players have had questionable temperaments. Would you, if he still played, not choose Zidan to play for United because of his headbutt in the WC final? Should you have sacked Roy Keane for the career ending tackle he made, on purpose, on Alf Inge Haaland? Obviously not. Now, Barton is to neither of their standards obviously, but surely if the quality there is good enough for your team, it's relatively stupid to turn down said player, for free, when you are obviously struggling to find better options.

If I asked an Arsenal fan, which would you prefer, being 17th after not signing Joey Barton, or being 10th after signing Joey Barton, I know which one they would take.
But, in the list he has posted, he's named.. what.. 4 Arsenal players, 2 with which I would disagree with in terms of being 'Better than Barton' in Walcott and Gervinho, who are both inconsistent, with Walcott having one good game in every 10 he plays and often looks lost, and I am yet to see Gervinho really justify his £12m price tag, to be honest, apart from maybe earning a place in the National Science Museum for having a head the size of the moon, he has looked anything but good, average might be a better word. I wouldn't put Arteta on there either, on recent form, well.. the last 2 years anyway, Barton has been miles ahead of him.

Maybe so, but I could come up with a few more to replace those who you think don't deserve to be on the list. It's not that I think Barton's bad - far from it - but I just think that calling him one of the top 20 midfielders (and that's the crucial bit. If he'd said 'Central Midfielders' Barton would definitely be in with a shot) is a little over the top.

Now, I am not saying Barton would be the first name on the team sheet, but granted he would be good enough to be on the team sheet.

I disagree, but hey. Football is about opinions, so we can agree to disagree. ;)
What, after they stamped on him, and basically singled him out to foul? Not just this season, but last season also? Makes sense. Although, I would say it should be the other way around, why would Barton want to play for a team that has acted like that? Arsenal try and make out they are clean as anything, but at the end of they day, they are one of the dirtiest teams in the premier league. Just look at their disciplinary records for the past few seasons? Probably since Wenger took over. I know you don't label him a footballing cancer, but you still have a massive dislike for him, which is clouding your judgement on his obvious quality.

Why does it even matter? I am sure he would have got on with a few? At the end of the day, football is a game, a sport, it's not like you have to jump on a grenade to save his life, you have to pass him the ball sometimes, you have to maybe celebrate with him, apart from training and match days, you hardly have to see each other, I work with people I hate, I don't **** myself about it if we have to do group work? I don't sit and cry in the corner if I have to play football with someone thats a ****? At the end of the day, you have to be professional, as it's you're job, if you cant stand spending.. probably what.. 20 hours a week with someone, and get paid 20-80k a week for it, then who is the person with the problem. There are plenty worse places to be in life.

Exactly, I'm not saying you're not berating their transfer activity, but the point of the matter is that Arsenal fans are happy they signed a bit part player like Yossi, and a past it Arteta, when they could have had Barton at the same price as Yossi, and a **** of alot cheaper than Arteta, when he has had a much better season last year, and even the year before that when we were in the championship, Arteta just hasn't looked the same since he had all that time off due to injury. I just don't see the logic in being happy that you didn't sign a player that would have improved your squad, which is obviously lacking, shown in your league position.

I can understand why Chelsea/Liverpool/United/City/Spurs didn't look at him. I am unaware if there is any proof that no other teams in the premier league looked at him, I imagine some of them did although obviously I don't have any proof to back that up, but I could see no reason for them not to make an enquiry. He isn't a starter for a top 4 side, but Arsenal won't be a top 4 side this season if they carry on in the fashion they are now, which negates the whole point of debating if he is a top four player, he is definitely a player that should be playing for a team that should be looking for a top 10 finish, and you can tell that by the fact that QPR have given him the captaincy, obviously done due to their realisation that they have pulled in a player that is, by far, a quality which far outclasses their standard. Granted, his temperament has always been under question, but so many good players have had questionable temperaments. Would you, if he still played, not choose Zidan to play for United because of his headbutt in the WC final? Should you have sacked Roy Keane for the career ending tackle he made, on purpose, on Alf Inge Haaland? Obviously not. Now, Barton is to neither of their standards obviously, but surely if the quality there is good enough for your team, it's relatively stupid to turn down said player, for free, when you are obviously struggling to find better options.

If I asked an Arsenal fan, which would you prefer, being 17th after not signing Joey Barton, or being 10th after signing Joey Barton, I know which one they would take.

I do have a dislike for him, but it hasnt coulded the fact that i think he's a very good footballer,but that doesnt change the fact he is also still a very cynical one.

It makes a difference in a team, and given Arsenal's fragile grouping it'd make a bigger difference.

The question is: does handling his temprament outweigh his quality? personally for Arsenal i think so. For United i would definitely say so.

On the other hand, Arsenal should never be in the position where they are thinking about signing Barton. The board has a lot of answer for

still think you'll owe me £10 by the next FM-Base meeting
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Just curious: Anyone reckon Barton would make it at Spurs? I think so.
Just curious: Anyone reckon Barton would make it at Spurs? I think so.

Not now. If they hadn't signed Parker I'd have said he could do that job, but Parker is better in my opinion so I think Spurs made the right choice there.
Just curious: Anyone reckon Barton would make it at Spurs? I think so.

mmm, alongside Parker? mmm possibly, actually think that could be a success. I just wish he'd keep quiet a bit more often, let his quality do the talking
Maybe so, but I could come up with a few more to replace those who you think don't deserve to be on the list. It's not that I think Barton's bad - far from it - but I just think that calling him one of the top 20 midfielders (and that's the crucial bit. If he'd said 'Central Midfielders' Barton would definitely be in with a shot) is a little over the top.

Meh, I wouldn't say he was one of the 20 best midfielders, one of the best 20 CM's, probably, but the point is, how many Arsenal players would you rank ahead of him, and personally, I would only say Wilshire and Song, thus it makes sense, in my books, for them to try and sign him.

I disagree, but hey. Football is about opinions, so we can agree to disagree. ;)

That's what makes it one of the best games in the world. ;) :wub:

I do have a dislike for him, but it hasnt coulded the fact that i think he's a very good footballer,but that desnt change the fact he is also still a very cynical one.

Which I have pointed out in the previous post, shouldn't outweigh the fact that he has the ability to play at a level far succeeding the team he is currently playing with.

It makes a difference in a team, and given Arsenal fragile grouping it'd make a bigger difference.

I am sorry, but having a fragile grouping is complete bollocks. You don't need your team to be full on *** boys. Granted you need some sort of chemistry (thanks Fifa 11), but at the end of the day, having a group of average players who fist each other after each game, is never going to get the same or better results as a team of good players who have a ******* royal rumble in the changing room after every game. Maybe if the team stopped performing so **** they would have better moral, but by buying 'nice' players, you aren't going to win games, you need some players with steel, who will fight for the win, and Arsenal are currently lacking that. I am not talking about 'English Grit' as CJ seems to harp on about, but just grit in general, the complete wanting, and needing, to win the game. Arsenals players heads just seem to drop, you can tell when they will lose a game, they just have an attitude where it's like they resign themselves to losing, they need some players in that team that see winning as the only way to play.

The question is: does handling his temprament outweigh his quality? personally for Arsenal i think so. For United i would definitely say so.

I would agree with United, they are in a position they don't need to strengthen many areas, if any, they also have just won the league, and got to the final of the champions league, so they have that luxury. Arsenal, on the other hand, are in a phase of transition, they are finally realising that the increasing amount of seasons where they aren't competing in the transfer market, and also finding out that finishing top four is a lot harder than it used to be. Personally, I don't see why, unless there are really big issues in the background, why they are finding it hard to attract the best players, and if they can't due to economic issues, why they aren't trying to bring in a good quality player, with proven premiership experience, on a free. It just doesn't make sense.
Just curious: Anyone reckon Barton would make it at Spurs? I think so.

Unsure. Spurs have a rather.. vast.. amount of midfielders. Sandro needs time to get used to the game and improve, Thudd, while injury prone, is a good and solid player. Parker.. is just Parker, he's pretty good. I could see Barton playing alongside him, I imagine they would compliment each other very well, but if I was a spurs fan, I would imagine wanting improvement in other areas are a more pressing issue.
Meh, I wouldn't say he was one of the 20 best midfielders, one of the best 20 CM's, probably, but the point is, how many Arsenal players would you rank ahead of him, and personally, I would only say Wilshire and Song, thus it makes sense, in my books, for them to try and sign him.

That's what makes it one of the best games in the world. ;) :wub:

Which I have pointed out in the previous post, shouldn't outweigh the fact that he has the ability to play at a level far succeeding the team he is currently playing with.

I am sorry, but having a fragile grouping is complete bollocks. You don't need your team to be full on *** boys. Granted you need some sort of chemistry (thanks Fifa 11), but at the end of the day, having a group of average players who fist each other after each game, is never going to get the same or better results as a team of good players who have a ******* royal rumble in the changing room after every game. Maybe if the team stopped performing so **** they would have better moral, but by buying 'nice' players, you aren't going to win games, you need some players with steel, who will fight for the win, and Arsenal are currently lacking that. I am not talking about 'English Grit' as CJ seems to harp on about, but just grit in general, the complete wanting, and needing, to win the game. Arsenals players heads just seem to drop, you can tell when they will lose a game, they just have an attitude where it's like they resign themselves to losing, they need some players in that team that see winning as the only way to play.

I would agree with United, they are in a position they don't need to strengthen many areas, if any, they also have just won the league, and got to the final of the champions league, so they have that luxury. Arsenal, on the other hand, are in a phase of transition, they are finally realising that the increasing amount of seasons where they aren't competing in the transfer market, and also finding out that finishing top four is a lot harder than it used to be. Personally, I don't see why, unless there are really big issues in the background, why they are finding it hard to attract the best players, and if they can't due to economic issues, why they aren't trying to bring in a good quality player, with proven premiership experience, on a free. It just doesn't make sense.

I'm not saying Arsenal's fragile grouping is a good thing, but it is what it is, now we could argue that Barton's could actually unify and leade this group, or actually make things worse, i tend towards the latter personally.

As for Arsenal's business, certainly something wrong in the background when it comes to signing players. Financially, they had the punch for the players they wanted this season.

And Barton still owes me a cup of tea
Joey Barton is a really good player who deserves a chance, he has turned his life around since he has left prison, even when ***** like karl henry try and wind him up he doesnt retaliate anymore.

Barton is exactly what arsenal needed, they have no midfielders with any balls, they are these pretty players who can pass but they really dont have any muscle.
Joey Barton is a really good player who deserves a chance, he has turned his life around since he has left prison, even when ***** like karl henry try and wind him up he doesnt retaliate anymore.

Barton is exactly what arsenal needed, they have no midfielders with any balls, they are these pretty players who can pass but they really dont have any muscle.[/QUOTE]

Alex Song? He still does a few silly things, like hauling Gervinho to his feet (when it turns out gervinho didnt actually dive)
I'm not saying Arsenal's fragile grouping is a good thing, but it is what it is, now we could argue that Barton's could actually unify and leade this group, or actually make things worse, i tend towards the latter personally.

As for Arsenal's business, certainly something wrong in the background when it comes to signing players. Financially, they had the punch for the players they wanted this season.

And Barton still owes me a cup of tea

I know you weren't, but that shouldn't be an excuse for anything. If anything, they need more players with balls and charisma, to pull the team together, they have no leaders. If you know your team is fragile, mentally, then you need to sort it out, not hope it sorts itself out, as it wont.

I actually can't think of any player that, when the team is losing, will give other player a bollocking and will pull them towards the win, rather than let the team stagnate and end up just conceding that they are going to lose. Although, Frimpong looks like he could be that kind of character, he needs more time and experience, it's too much pressure to put one someone so young to be the one driving force of the team. I appreciate some of the players are good at driving the team forward by the football they play, but when the play is not so good, and the best players are having an off day, you need players to get the rest of the teams heads back in the game, and hit them with the realisation that losing isn't good enough if you wan't to be a top four team.
Joey Barton is a really good player who deserves a chance, he has turned his life around since he has left prison, even when ***** like karl henry try and wind him up he doesnt retaliate anymore.

Barton is exactly what arsenal needed, they have no midfielders with any balls, they are these pretty players who can pass but they really dont have any muscle.[/QUOTE]

Alex Song? He still does a few silly things, like hauling Gervinho to his feet (when it turns out gervinho didnt actually dive)

I dont see song as a particularly hard player, he just stands out as hard in a team where the players are a bit soft and weak.
Alex Song? He still does a few silly things, like hauling Gervinho to his feet (when it turns out gervinho didnt actually dive)

Alex Song, sure, he's a good tackler, he's a strong guy, but so often you just seem him do something stupid, he seems to lack concentration, and is relatively incomparable to Barton when passing is concerned, but rarely do you see him give someone a bollocking, you don't see him rallying his team mates, getting their heads up. Often he is the exact opposite, often going into his shell a bit when Arsenal are on the backfoot.
I dont see song as a particularly hard player, he just stands out as hard in a team where the players are a bit soft and weak.

Considering their disciplinary record so far, they're hardly soft.

In Arsenal's (first choice) central midfield, the only really soft one is Ramsey. Song's a strong ****** and Wilshere can definitely look after himself.
Alex Song, sure, he's a good tackler, he's a strong guy, but so often you just seem him do something stupid, he seems to lack concentration, and is relatively incomparable to Barton when passing is concerned, but rarely do you see him give someone a bollocking, you don't see him rallying his team mates, getting their heads up. Often he is the exact opposite, often going into his shell a bit when Arsenal are on the backfoot.

I'd to certainly see him be more vocal. Arsenal's situation shouldnt be an excuse, but its what you have to work with. They need a player like Barton, but less of Barton s ability to go off one. Barton's ability isnt in question, not for me anyway, just some of his thought process. If only he could dial it down to like a quarter. Maybe this season he really puts it all behind him. If he stops feuding with Henry that is